tie you just refuse to read the posts accurately, how convenient for your diatribes.
I have repeatedly stated I was in favor of UPS taking over the pension in 97.
Repeatedly, in multiple threads.
I have asked you to read slower.
Are you seriously having trouble reading or remembering or just using false accusations of what I said for your own satisfaction.
I never said this present fund is better than if UPS had control of it.
I did say there is no way to know how UPS control of the fund would go, but that is not the same thing except to an individual who looks at everything negatively.
tie, try to be consistent, in one breath you claim I have nothing but praise for the fund and in the next you are admitting yourself that I have said "At other times you make the point that while this present pension system is not that great".
Try to focus instead of trying to put words in and out of my mouth.
"I as a management person am according to your bleak outlook on life am not supposed to care for the people I work with and I am apparently according to your point of view not allowed to care whether those people have a nice retirement."
Sheesh you are full of it and yourself.
While I believe you personally don't give a rats you know what about us workers I haven't even stated that (well, not 'till just now), let alone about real management.
What I have stated is I haven't seen any evidence of UPS doing anything that will help the worker in this current crises, but rather have seen them purposefully and with significant damage to those retired and retiring up the retiree medical premiums.
Those are again, simple facts which apparently confuse you.
Well it's refreshing that you are trying to mispell without name calling and personal attacks, keep working on it.
Not that such childishness regarding a handle as Okie for Ok is truly important it is ludicrously funny that you call me one and then address me as Mr in the same sentence that you are denying that you do so.
You are truly a dog chasing his own tail.
danny, In '97 I believe the CSPF was in the low 90 percent funded area.
I know TDU was screamingly concerned that the fund would become fully funded and UPS would legally be able to pull out of the fund without penalty except for negotiable restraints.
The market seemed to only be able to go in one direction, up.
Benefit payout levels were only two thirds of what they are now and that is a huge factor in the funds current problems.
I suppose UPS foresaw what would happen, certainly it would be likely they could see that the scenario was more likely if the fund matched their significant increases in benefit payouts (and don't twist that into an accusation that I am saying UPS did this to cause this as I state right here that I do not believe that, I believe UPS did it because the withdrawal penalty was manageable and they felt it would be a tremendous financial advantage to have control of their employees pensions, which it would have been even then and especially with the way things have gone), but no, I don't think that this was the vision and reason for the attempted take over of the pension fund.
I think it was simply a good economical move by the company.
As I have said, many times previously despite ties innacurate statements disputing this that I was in favor of going with the company on the pension issue, specifically because UPS was stating we would get full credit for our part-time years which in '97 you still couldn't get a straight answer from the fund that they were going to honor those years.