Ups has a plan in place to replace us if we end up striking.


I like your post, it has some very good points. The new work force coming into ups(millennials) have a different outlook on work.I for one do not think they are lazy.They are technology savey and value the free time from work.The one's I talk with no nothing of the union history and the sacrifices made by worker's past.We need to listen to their concerns and educate them on how we got to this point in time.Most don't care about the pension troubles,they tell me their pension is covered by ups.they don't attend meeting or get involved in pushing for an agenda.


IE boogeyman
Except that you are conveniently hiding the fact that article 17 section a. fires hourly for dishonesty but does nothing to remove dishonest management.
i didn’t hide anything, you made a :censored2:ty blanket statement and i countered it

also management gets fired all the time for dishonesty, so that’s not correct either

if we held an honest accounting of every manager and hourly, getting rid of anyone who ever lied at work, we wouldn’t have anyone left....

..except for some feeder guys wondering why the donut supply dried up


Well-Known Member
i didn’t hide anything, you made a :censored2:ty blanket statement and i countered it

also management gets fired all the time for dishonesty, so that’s not correct either

if we held an honest accounting of every manager and hourly, getting rid of anyone who ever lied at work, we wouldn’t have anyone left....

..except for some feeder guys wondering why the donut supply dried up

You kidding me! All the feeder drivers would be fired first. They lie about their pants size everyday! Sure you're a 38 a waist... :)


Well-Known Member
That last statement is interesting. Should have made an unsafe action to avoid a crash. This is only looking at it through one point of view. Who has responsibility for most accidents? The people behind the wheel or the one behind the computer? Ill tell you this much, Management gets "Harassed" just as much for an accident they had no control over. The Double-Bind goes both ways.
AVOIDABLE. You should have pulled over to the side of the road. (On a blind corner). Instead of backing into the shared driveway. The neighbor would not have backed into you.

Frankie's Friend

You must not get out much. That is pretty standard everywhere.
Tell them. They wont listen. Theyre too busy trolling on union forums all day (because their work area is utopia and theyre bored).

Frankie's Friend

i didn’t hide anything, you made a :censored2:ty blanket statement and i countered it

also management gets fired all the time for dishonesty, so that’s not correct either

if we held an honest accounting of every manager and hourly, getting rid of anyone who ever lied at work, we wouldn’t have anyone left....

..except for some feeder guys wondering why the donut supply dried up
If management was fired for dishonesty there would be more respect for the company. You circle your wagons to protect yourselves and we've seen it for years. Cuss if you need to if it makes you think you're sure about the validity of your conjecture but the truth is that when caught breaking the contract management will lie to cya. Guarrantee it. Seen it. For years.


One of them
i didn’t hide anything, you made a :censored2:ty blanket statement and i countered it

also management gets fired all the time for dishonesty, so that’s not correct either

if we held an honest accounting of every manager and hourly, getting rid of anyone who ever lied at work, we wouldn’t have anyone left....

..except for some feeder guys wondering why the donut supply dried up
If management was fired for dishonesty there would be more respect for the company. You circle your wagons to protect yourselves and we've seen it for years. Cuss if you need to if it makes you think you're sure about the validity of your conjecture but the truth is that when caught breaking the contract management will lie to cya. Guarrantee it. Seen it. For years.
You must not get out much. That is pretty standard everywhere.
Tell them. They wont listen. Theyre too busy trolling on union forums all day (because their work area is utopia and theyre bored).

I'm also not working today soooooooooooo you are wrong. Again making assumptions


Well-Known Member
Interests me that you know so much of the history of Roadway Package. I would guess 50% of the UPSer's don't know the year UPS was founded. Did you sell your routes and move on somewhere. I see you were a PVD for UPS.

Did you know Fred started up in little aviation company and couldn't get a loan to buy plane fuel and his company was set to go bust so he took the last $5,000 the company had and jumped on his plane to Vegas and bet it? Ha!

He won $27,000 and Federal Express was officially created in 1973, on the NYSE by 1977 & tracking shipments by 1979. Real interesting story, like yours. :)
Yes, I sold my route with a P600 van. Then sold my P400 supplemental van (my original RPS van) to a contractor at a nearby terminal. Ex wife was wanting to relocate and further her career. Thought about keeping my route, and getting rid of her. Even though she divorced me in 2003, it was a good thing I left RPS when I did. My terminal manager once told others that it would be a "cold day in hell" when I ever got a second route. That's because I had a reputation for being hard on temp drivers, I expected them to do the route correctly. When I left RPS, I went to work for an Airborne Express contractor in MO.

Yes, I thought PVD would be something I could do. Only problem I was trying to do it out of a short Ford Aerostar minivan. If I could have got my packages before 11 am in the morning, been let to sort them, and load in reverse order of delivery, it might have worked. Supervisor showing up, basically "throwing all packages in the back, and not allowing me to use my own personal GPS unit combined with having to use some kind of cell phone/scanner that wouldn't scan in broad daylight made for unfavorable working conditions. Cold weather showed up, WM cut off my gas charge card, so that ended that.

I also have heard of Fred taking the payroll to Vegas and winning enough to keep going. Also heard that he used to keep the first jets circling at Memphis airport so that they wouldn't be repossessed.