Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
That was probably due to the pandemic. Guys were getting called up within months off the floor and I came at the tail end. However they were skipping seniority. It’s slowed down considerably over the course of the previous year here. I’m more than likely going to get laid off since the 22.4s are now back in the building and they’ll be made RPCDs. I’m sure I’ll be back for peak.

Oh it most definitely was and you jumped on that opportunity when it was there. You’re still full-time and not part-time. I wonder how many part-timers regret that opportunity during the pandemic.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
Oh it most definitely was and you jumped on that opportunity when it was there. You’re still full-time and not part-time. I wonder how many part-timers regret that opportunity during the pandemic.
I’m part time? Or you mean I work full time hours? I don’t regret my decision, I am glad I took the plunge. Things take time and I’m glad I came when I did. My only regret is not listening to my parents when I was 18 and not joining up sooner, but I would have more than likely quit because I didn’t have the same frame of mind and maturity (lol) that I have now.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
A little over 40hr/wk. Remember I am red circle. Just an example of how concessions over the years has hurt all hourlies.
So you’re saying you didn’t take those concessions? A little over 40? So you do work a full time job then, it’s just that you can leave anytime you want after what, 5hrs?

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
I’m part time? Or you mean I work full time hours? I don’t regret my decision, I am glad I took the plunge. Things take time and I’m glad I came when I did. My only regret is not listening to my parents when I was 18 and not joining up sooner, but I would have more than likely quit because I didn’t have the same frame of mind and maturity (lol) that I have now.

But the fact that you take responsibility for your actions is a growth in maturity and not blaming everybody else!

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
Ah.. my bad misread your paragraph. So you didn’t have enough seniority to get a 22.4? Or you didn’t want one -you just wanted the hours and flexibility to get the hours and not be stuck as full-time?
I put in a bid around a month in with my BA and it takes six months before I can actually be put on. They do funny business here, but I don’t want to leave the part timers until someone takes my place as steward because they’ll be :censored2:ed. It’s the only thing that worries me about the layoffs because they’ll be :censored2:ed since I have low seniority.