
Well-Known Member
“No employee shall be disciplined or required to make reimbursement on lost or damaged parcels unless the employer demonstrates the employee, without justification or mitigation, violated pertinent established rules or policies, the observance of which would have prevented the loss or damage.”

This is article 10 on loss and damage, and now after an investigation, picture, GPS info, and interview (driver follow up) the company will try to hold folks accountable for misdeliveries for pkgs over $100. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
“No employee shall be disciplined or required to make reimbursement on lost or damaged parcels unless the employer demonstrates the employee, without justification or mitigation, violated pertinent established rules or policies, the observance of which would have prevented the loss or damage.”

This is article 10 on loss and damage, and now after an investigation, picture, GPS info, and interview (driver follow up) the company will try to hold folks accountable for misdeliveries for pkgs over $100. Just my thoughts.
While it might happen more often, very doubtfu it will be common, the several times we’ve gotten involved with an article 10 case the claimed value of the package was not insured so the company was only on the hook for under $200. They would rather write you up and put something in your form than charge you $200.

We had a driver misdelivered very expensive wheels that were not insured the company tried to do an article 10 to make him pay for it we asked to see the insurance that was placed on the package, and there was none in the company said never mind I’ll just write him up from his misdelivery,


Well-Known Member
No problem. There will be less managers and drivers will be paying for each mis-delivered package since the drivers will be empowered to make decision! You can't blame the managers since they won't be around.
Oh no, that sounds terrible since we were told to not deliver any miss loads. Somehow you think I care if they asked me to deliver a package at the end of my day when I’m making 60+ dollars an hour?
Unfortunately many people do not understand it

To not have a two-tier weight system anymore and not to be forced to work 6 days how much is that worth?

No forced 6th punch is a big deal, but I'm sorry, I'm not declaring a win by getting rid of the 22.4 language. We voted that down in the first place and it got shoved up our asses, the company gets nothing from me in return for that.


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of 22.4 language……

So. In my center all the 22.4’s are laid off and have been….. but they get their driver punch sat which keeps them at 22.4 rate.

If was my understanding that ups was arguing that if they don’t get a punch behind the wheel, lay off language would apply and they would go down to hub rate after “x” amount of time.

So now all these 22.4 drivers will become laid off rcpds, and get paid hub rate? That’s a HUGE pay cut.
Getting rid of 22.4 language……

So. In my center all the 22.4’s are laid off and have been….. but they get their driver punch sat which keeps them at 22.4 rate.

If was my understanding that ups was arguing that if they don’t get a punch behind the wheel, lay off language would apply and they would go down to hub rate after “x” amount of time.

So now all these 22.4 drivers will become laid off rcpds, and get paid hub rate? That’s a HUGE pay cut.
Well hopefully the layoffs are temporary

Once we get a contract in place I'm sure we'll pick up a lot more business
Getting rid of 22.4 language……

So. In my center all the 22.4’s are laid off and have been….. but they get their driver punch sat which keeps them at 22.4 rate.

If was my understanding that ups was arguing that if they don’t get a punch behind the wheel, lay off language would apply and they would go down to hub rate after “x” amount of time.

So now all these 22.4 drivers will become laid off rcpds, and get paid hub rate? That’s a HUGE pay cut.
No forced 6th should help a lot of them, but it's going to cause some short term pain for sure.


Well-Known Member
Well hopefully the layoffs are temporary

Once we get a contract in place I'm sure we'll pick up a lot more business
Idk, we have all of them laid off. Unless covid 2024 pops up and the money printer turns back on, I don’t see them coming back

We have probably 60 22.4’s in my building. In the south after 2 or 3 weeks laid off, you go to hub pay (no clue what it is now)