My wife is too young. If I leave at 55 she'll only be 50 and we most likely couldn't afford for her to retire too. Idk man, a lot of variables in the next nine years.
On the request of pension number shortly so I know how much the survivor ship will set me back.

I have all my bills paid off I got some money in the bank some other investments I have a reasonable amount in my 401k and my IRA I just need to fill up that gap inbetween


Well-Known Member
I'm just going by what other employees have told me.
If you're close to the end of a contract you never want to leave before that
Had a high seniority guy just above me (I have over 36 in) retire no more than a month ago....left me scratching my head.

Even if you are setup and comfortable monetarily and what not, why the hell would you do that and do them a favor?
I mean Christ you could have called in a few times a week for a month or so and not have gotten let go and legged it out.

Oh well......


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I don't really know, I'm in the west, it functions quite a bit differently.

I believe that your pension is beyond any future negotiations, it will continue to grow as long as the employer’s contribution continues.

I believe right now it is set at 300 dollars per service year. By the end of this coming Contract it could reach 400 or more even with a recession.

You guys have the best package around without a doubt..that includes your retirees’ health and welfare and supplemental insurance pass age 65.

When O’Brien mentioned during his press conference that we have 50,000 worth of pension and health and welfare benefits, he was referencing those under the West primarily.
25,000 annually going into your Pension and another 25,000 going into your health and welfare plans.

Half our membership are under defined pension plans, like those under the IBT/UPS plan that any future improvements are subject to negotiations only.

There can be improvements beyond the current service benefits.

A. Reduce or eliminate the 6 percent penalty applied for every year under age 65.

B. Have a 100% spousal exemption instead of the 50% one, if you croak your spouse or your children get your full pension benefit for their life time.

C. Combine all your service hours (full time and part time) for eligibility and retirement benefits, similar to the West. So if a part timer works extra they would get current and past credit for those hours added to their full time years.

D. Put a COLA in everyone’s pension benefit including the current retirees. A lot of pension plans use that as a given, even Social Security.

E. No cap on any member’s pension benefits, we have members that will not get any improvements once they hit a certain service level.. It is frozen no matter how many years they work past 25 or 35 years (UPS Pension Plan) under the Central and Southern.

There are probably other improvements that could be subjected to negotiation.
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eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Getting rid of 22.4 language……

So. In my center all the 22.4’s are laid off and have been….. but they get their driver punch sat which keeps them at 22.4 rate.

If was my understanding that ups was arguing that if they don’t get a punch behind the wheel, lay off language would apply and they would go down to hub rate after “x” amount of time.

So now all these 22.4 drivers will become laid off rcpds, and get paid hub rate? That’s a HUGE pay cut.
Whether or not 22.4 exist or if layoff language is used. Watch for relevant language: Company can not be allowed to enact sub-par wages and working conditions when still demanding they drive even one day out or the week.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully there is no time requirement to get the added pension money. Wasn’t it in last contract you had to work two years after ratification to qualify for top pension pay?
Sometimes (maybe just my local) you have to stick around to beginning of year. Unless that's in national when there's a pension bump offered. Might not want a lot of guys bailing out before the holiday season.
I believe that your pension is beyond any future negotiations, it will continue to grow as long as the employer’s contribution continues.

I believe right now it is set at 300 dollars per service year. By the end of this coming Contract it could reach 400 or more even with a recession.

You guys have the best package around without a doubt..that includes your retirees’ health and welfare and supplemental insurance pass age 65.

When O’Brien mentioned during his press conference that we have 50,000 worth of pension and health and welfare benefits, he was referencing those under the West primarily.
25,000 annually going into your Pension and another 25,000 going into your health and welfare plans.

Half our membership are under defined pension plans, like those under the IBT/UPS plan that any future improvements are subject to negotiations only.

There can be improvements beyond the current service benefits.

A. Reduce or eliminate the 6 percent penalty applied for every year under age 65.

B. Have a 100% spousal exemption instead of the 50% one, if you croak your spouse of children get your full pension benefit.

C. Combine all your service hours (full time and part time) for eligibility and retirement benefits, similar to the West. So if a part timer works extra they would get credit for those hours.

D. Put a COLA in everyone’s pension benefit including the current retirees. A lot of pension plans use that as a given, even Social Security.

There are probably other improvements that could be subjected to negotiation.
That would be nice but I wont my hold my breath my friend
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, me too, especially because my first eight years in the system were with a different company with dog:censored2: contributions.
We pretty much received a free year of contributions over the last 4 years. There are companies that are trying to get into the WCT plan, including companies like Costco. Growing the plan with rock solid companies.