
Well-Known Member
My wife is too young. If I leave at 55 she'll only be 50 and we most likely couldn't afford for her to retire too. Idk man, a lot of variables in the next nine years.
Damn dude.....don't feel bad and let her keep working. You earned your keep and have money coming in. You do more work in a years time than she'll do in 30.
I believe right now it is set at 300 dollars per service year. By the end of this coming Contract it could reach 400 or more even with a recession.

It's not any number per year, your benefit is based solely on your contributions. The nice part here is its based on your first 2080, not just 2080 regular-time hours like some get screwed with.

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
I'm liking what I'm seeing but I'm also cautiously optimistic. Other veteran drivers and employees here know what I'm talking about. I want to see the language before can give a yes vote. Too many times has the wording in contract language been very vague. Leaving uncertainty between what we understood was agreed to vs what is put into writing. I guess it's the experience of getting burned too many times leaves the scepticism. All I'm saying is be aware of any devil in the details when we start seeing contract language coming out.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
Whether or not 22.4 exist or if layoff language is used. Watch for relevant language: Company can not be allowed to enact sub-par wages and working conditions when still demanding they drive even one day out or the week.
Just because you get laid off you’re still a full time employee. It’s not like these guys are going back to their PT hub rate. If they are that’s a lazy BA or steward allowing that to happen.


Well-Known Member
They don't have a choice
Their employer has paid almost nothing for a long time until our pension plan
The people running Yellow are bottom of the barrel garbage management people, I feel bad for the members there. They’ve been getting screwed for a very long time. all while being told just give us a little bit longer…..