I think it’s really strange your argument of part time work not meant to support a families life. I never said that. I said equal pay for equal work
I’m not saying part time workers deserve to make $5,000 a week. I’m saying a Long time part time loader deserves the same hourly rate as a full time loader.
If I wanted to support a family, I would work more hours. But an hourly rate should not be artificially lowered just because they are working less hours. That makes no sense when you are doing the same work
Fair point, but that was just an off comment, not my argument.
It’s been explained that it’s not the same work because of work hour requirements. But you don’t like to hear that argument.
Also, is that all he is doing is loading? Is he doing clerk work after the sort is wrapped? Where are the 8 hours coming from if you’re only there for 3 1/2? What is left to load after you leave?
There has to be other responsibilities involved which may explain the difference in pay.
I’m not attacking you, so don’t come at me like you’ve come at others or it will end the same way. We do t have FT loaders here so your argument is totally new to me.
Could it be that there are so few FT loaders, they this issue hasn’t been brought up before? I dunno man.