It’s too late for one, two I want what me and all the other full timers have coming to us who bust their asses not seeing their kids grow up, putting up with the trivial bull

from supervisors at this place every single day. We want paid handsomely for our time, other wise I would go start my own business. If we don’t make top dollar here, half of us wouldn’t be here putting up with this garbage! And when things like today happen, which I predicted would happen, negotiations stop because PT weren’t being compensated enough, it pisses me off. Like I said, you expect me to go on strike and forfeit my 1500 paycheck so you can make the same hourly wage as me, yet you would only have to forfeit what? Half? Not even? Meanwhile, im sacrificing home life, sleep, health, who knows what else I’m missing. Whatever don’t matter anyway, like I said, you’ll get your way because unions are liberal, and that’s just the way it is. Like everything else these days, just don’t expect me or others to be happy about it.