If the systems in place work the way they were designed, UPS knew the night before what every driver would have (or should have based on no delays). EDD assignes a number to each address based on all addresses that will be on that truck that day. These numbers change daily based on what is inbound to be delivered that day (already known in EDD). If anyone thinks Atlanta and all the boys-in-the-know didn't know, I am selling some ocean front property in the everglades you may be interested in. The bottom line since the summer of 04 has been only THE BOTTOM LINE. All else goes by the wayside; service, customers, family....need I go on? EDD was put into place to get more for less. The top brASS think it can work because some bean counter said it would.
The bottom line for UPS in the real world is that Wall st. did not reward them, but most certainly did reward Fedex. UPS stock went along at mid 70's while Fedex soured to a new high of $105.00+.
Unprepared is an understatement.