Vacation in December?

It seems to be the general rule around here that retirees also have to file grievances to get their earned vacation time for the year following their retirement. Does this happen anywhere else?
Can you tell me which state you are from and any information that might help with the grievance?


Well-Known Member
Sure thing stud,
I'm in east central Illinois and belong to the local 710. I will check with my recent retired friends and get back to you with any info I can.
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Senior Member
I thought they could cut me a little slack.

After 30 yrs, you should know that there is no slack given at UPS.
Good luck with your retirement.
I just hope it is not under the CS plan.
If you have to fill your time, do it to the best of your ability.
You have served and earned the right to retire.
But, you also have the responsiblity to serve your whole sentence, under the rule of contract.
When it is all said and done, you can say to yourself, "I did it."
Many on this forum will not be able to wear that badge of honor.
Hang tuff.


Well-Known Member
There is always a joker in every crowd, or wait a moment are you the RA that denied my request?
Actually it was a serious question. I've seen two drivers retire in my twenty years and one of them got a set of power tools. I was curious as to why you wanted to stick around.


Retired 23 years
Actually it was a serious question. I've seen two drivers retire in my twenty years and one of them got a set of power tools. I was curious as to why you wanted to stick around.
I've never seen anyboby get anything from the company for retiring- except a cheap wooden plaque that says "thanks ----------(fill in the blanks) for your 30 years of service." The Union however did lay a few nice trinkets on me. An officially engraved Teamster Retiree Parker Bros. pen, Teamster engraved billfold, a half way decent Teamster ballcap and a set of "Retired Teamster liscense plate holders".


Well-Known Member
After 30 years, I'm planning to retire Nov. 30. I have 8 vacation weeks available and planned to use them during Dec. and Jan. to complete my 30 years of safe driving. It was approved by center manager and DM; however, the RM denied the plan.

Congrat on the 30 years, packagestud, and I hope everything works out well for you.

I was an admin with the company and our department being outsourced was discussed for a good year and a half before it actually happened. We were offered a buy out because our jobs were going south, well actually, one week the buy out was in effect, the next week it wasn't. One week I was being terminated, the next week I was still employed.This baloney went on for months. I finally went to HR myself, signed the goodbye paperwork, and got the hell out. Three months shy of the 30 year mark, tho. But I got a UPS mousepad and a miniature flaming UPS pkg car when I left. And I also have three sets of browns from when we got to spend a day with a driver and see what it was all about. I think I'll use them for Halloween costumes from now on...

I still believe that after all those years with the company, a proper retirement gift would be an all paid vacation with our families to an exotic location. :wink:


Well-Known Member
:confused:1I think 30 safe driving years would be a secondary issue when its comes to retirement!!! Just getting out ALIVE and able to make up some of the time you lost with your family. The FMLA angle would probably be your best bet...... And by the way Have you not realized in 30 years that all management will look you in the eye and flat out lie to you?
I trust em as far as I could throw em! Good Luck with your retirement, ENJOY!!!! :tongue_sm:thumbup1::thumbup1: BC (not Betty Crocker)
:confused:1I think 30 safe driving years would be a secondary issue when its comes to retirement!!! Just getting out ALIVE and able to make up some of the time you lost with your family. The FMLA angle would probably be your best bet...... And by the way Have you not realized in 30 years that all management will look you in the eye and flat out lie to you?
I trust em as far as I could throw em! Good Luck with your retirement, ENJOY!!!! :tongue_sm:thumbup1::thumbup1: BC (not Betty Crocker)
I guess there might be a more important issue here besides the safe driving years. After being the shop steward for some years, it bothers me that a precedence has been set in regards to the vacation usage and now it is being denied. If I give up now how will this affect those who might want to use vacation weeks in the future? Maybe, there will only be a payoff of those weeks instead regardless of the time of year.
Thanks for the kind words.


Well-Known Member
I'm just throwing out an opinion here.

I can't make up for some of the stories here of how people were mistreated on their last day, there's no good reason for that and I'm not naive enough to suggest we don't have people in our management ranks who act like that.

But, my guess is, if the request for vacation weeks through December went all the way to the RM and got rejected there, it's not because someone wanted to be petty. Thank the lawyers. Someone at that level was probably advised that if they allowed this vacation, they *could* be exposing the company to losing that language in the labor contract by setting a precedent.

The RM may have said to him/herself, this is a bad deal, but this is the only option I have....
I'm just throwing out an opinion here.

I can't make up for some of the stories here of how people were mistreated on their last day, there's no good reason for that and I'm not naive enough to suggest we don't have people in our management ranks who act like that.

But, my guess is, if the request for vacation weeks through December went all the way to the RM and got rejected there, it's not because someone wanted to be petty. Thank the lawyers. Someone at that level was probably advised that if they allowed this vacation, they *could* be exposing the company to losing that language in the labor contract by setting a precedent.

The RM may have said to him/herself, this is a bad deal, but this is the only option I have....
Maybe, that is one of the problems with the company today. We don't do what is right out of fear. I also wonder why this matter went to the RM anyway. Can't the DM have the power to make a decision? From my point of view, there is way to much micro management going on within the company. As recent as a year ago, our center was dictated to from above in regards to number of routes that could be run and the results were days with 200 NDAs and tons of over 9 1/2 hour grievances.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen anyone get vaction time after Thanksgiving through Christmas. The only time you can get Christmas included as vacation is if it falls on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.


Well-Known Member
After 30 years, I'm planning to retire Nov. 30. I have 8 vacation weeks available and planned to use them during Dec. and Jan. to complete my 30 years of safe driving. It was approved by center manager and DM; however, the RM denied the plan. At least three drivers in this state received permission to retire and use vacation in Dec.

I'm now in the process of filing a grievance with the Union, who consider this total BS. To help bolster my case, I would like to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience. Thanks for your help.
First I would like to know how you were not forced to pick your vacation last October like everybody else. If you did and it has been on the calender all year then you should take it. If it was only a silent deal then what do you expect from a bunch of liars anyway. All vacation time not taken must be paid off to the employee no matter the reason they leave. Option days and personal days are not usually paid off so use those up between now and when you leave. The vacation time does not have to be taken to be paid for! Also know that if you have 156 reports for this year they will have to pay you for all of next years vacation time as well! Once again you will not be paid off for next years option and personal days either in most cases. SO YOU CAN STILL WORK UNTIL NOVEMBER 30th AND THEN RETIRE WHILE STILL GETTING NEARLY ALL THE PAY FROM THE UNUSED VACATION TIME, BOTH THIS YEARS AND NEXT YEARS!
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Well-Known Member
After 30 years, I'm planning to retire Nov. 30. I have 8 vacation weeks available and planned to use them during Dec. and Jan. to complete my 30 years of safe driving. It was approved by center manager and DM; however, the RM denied the plan. At least three drivers in this state received permission to retire and use vacation in Dec.

I'm now in the process of filing a grievance with the Union, who consider this total BS. To help bolster my case, I would like to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience. Thanks for your help.
Now if the 30 years of safe driving is the real point and yet you feel betrayed, as you should, then try this. #1 Sit down with the Center Manager and your Shop Steward and pick whatever weeks you have left for this year, with all to be used up by Thanksgiving. Then when October comes use your option week as a vacation week and pick the first 7 weeks of the year off, THEN RETIRE! As for your unused option days and personal days for this year. Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year so you could use 3 option days for the rest of the week and make this Christmas Eve your last day at UPS! If your Center Manager has half a heart he would let you use another option or personal day for Christmas Eve too! You could just call in that day too, it is your option you know. There are no pick ups that day to speak of and all the helpers will be used to the max! I would take other unused option days as three day weekends to get your affairs in order. GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY IT!
First I would like to know how you were not forced to pick your vacation last October like everybody else. If you did and it has been on the calender all year then you should take it. If it was only a silent deal then what do you expect from a bunch of liars anyway. All vacation time not taken must be paid off to the employee no matter the reason they leave. Option days and personal days are not usually paid off so use those up between now and when you leave. The vacation time does not have to be taken to be paid for! Also know that if you have 156 reports for this year they will have to pay you for all of next years vacation time as well! Once again you will not be paid off for next years option and personal days either in most cases. SO YOU CAN STILL WORK UNTIL NOVEMBER 30th AND THEN RETIRE WHILE STILL GETTING NEARLY ALL THE PAY FROM THE UNUSED VACATION TIME, BOTH THIS YEARS AND NEXT YEARS!
We have always been allowed to carry over one years worth of vacations. I did this from the beginning as a cushion against unforeseen contingencies. So these weeks, are not subject to the selection date as you state. I could work till November 30th and receive a lump sum payment for those weeks, the optional weeks and accrued vacation from my anniversary date however the tax man would make out like a bandit. I would not get to the thirty years safe driving date, but I would not have to work another peak either.
Now if the 30 years of safe driving is the real point and yet you feel betrayed, as you should, then try this. #1 Sit down with the Center Manager and your Shop Steward and pick whatever weeks you have left for this year, with all to be used up by Thanksgiving. Then when October comes use your option week as a vacation week and pick the first 7 weeks of the year off, THEN RETIRE! As for your unused option days and personal days for this year. Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year so you could use 3 option days for the rest of the week and make this Christmas Eve your last day at UPS! If your Center Manager has half a heart he would let you use another option or personal day for Christmas Eve too! You could just call in that day too, it is your option you know. There are no pick ups that day to speak of and all the helpers will be used to the max! I would take other unused option days as three day weekends to get your affairs in order. GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY IT!
Thanks for the advise. I guess if the grievance fails, I must decide between the safe driving date and working peak. What would you do?


Three years ago I pulled a G-3 Deer tag in California. This is like getting stuck by lightning. About 4000 people apply, and 25 tags available, draw is pulled once a year. Problem is season was Dec 5th-18th. I had the most cool center manager named Dan H. I went to him and showed him the situation and he let me have a week. He had me for the rest of his time at UPS. It was a sad day when he retired. Since then it has been a terrible place to work. I'm still blown away with what one guy could do to make it right.

Now my current mind would advise Packagestud to "give in" and work until your 30th safe driving year. But work one day past that day and find the nearest airplane, helicopter, Mercedes, and rip some sheet metal right off with your package car. In that process hurt yourself and go out on WC for another 6 monthes! The become pemantly disabled and collect SSDI for the rest of your life(and your pension). Ahh the love at UPS.

Ever since they quit giving out guns, safe driving sucks.