Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Two headlines that should alarm you just a little.

CDC Manipulating Data, Again? Deaths Less Than 14 Days After Jab Considered “Unvaccinated”

Coincidence? CDC Says To Prepare For An Outbreak Of A “Polio-Like” Illness In Children This Fall


Inordinately Right
Go read the actual medical paper that the so-called "Children's Health Defense" organization references. To quote: "Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020". You are spreading misinformation.
What it says is that vaccinated people are spreading the Chinese Virus too. All the crap about how the unvaccinated are selfish and causing the spread is BS.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
This headline is troubling.
Coincidence? CDC Says To Prepare For An Outbreak Of A “Polio-Like” Illness In Children This Fall

Is this the next virus that is currently being released in the public?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
This headline is troubling.
Coincidence? CDC Says To Prepare For An Outbreak Of A “Polio-Like” Illness In Children This Fall

Is this the next virus that is currently being released in the public?
The problem is they lied so much about covid that if a really bad virus comes out no one will believe it
Do you know what is considered a break through delta variant?
Yep, I do. And I agree that a vaccinated Delta breakthrough infection emits higher viral load and an unvaccinated pre-Delta case. But more importantly, the viral load for an unvaccinated Delta case is about 3x higher than that of a vaccinated breakthrough Delta case. Thus, the implication that a "vaccinated" case has higher viral load than "unvaccinated" case is BS when one properly compares apples to apples, and Delta to Delta. Don't get me wrong - I certainly agree both groups are spreaders with Delta. But one can make that case without resorting to misinformation that distorts the original medical studies.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Does it no
Yep, I do. And I agree that a vaccinated Delta breakthrough infection emits higher viral load and an unvaccinated pre-Delta case. But more importantly, the viral load for an unvaccinated Delta case is about 3x higher than that of a vaccinated breakthrough Delta case. Thus, the implication that a "vaccinated" case has higher viral load than "unvaccinated" case is BS when one properly compares apples to apples, and Delta to Delta. Don't get me wrong - I certainly agree both groups are spreaders with Delta. But one can make that case without resorting to misinformation that distorts the original medical studies.
So what you just said, wasn't in that article?


Staff member

Two headlines that should alarm you just a little.

CDC Manipulating Data, Again? Deaths Less Than 14 Days After Jab Considered “Unvaccinated”

Coincidence? CDC Says To Prepare For An Outbreak Of A “Polio-Like” Illness In Children This Fall
Regarding the "polio-like illness", the CDC send this alert out every fall, where they are reminding doctors to be on the lookout for acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), which spikes every fall, with larger peaks every couple of years. It is rare, but early medical intervention is important, hence the need for this annual reminder from the CDC to health providers, parents, and care-givers.
Does it no

So what you just said, wasn't in that article?
True; it's from other studies. This one is fairly well done. See the scatterplot of Ct values on page 16. "Ct" represents how many times they have to run the PCR test before they get a "positive" result, so the lower the Ct, the higher the virus load. Ct values are about the same through day 5, but the Ct values diverge pretty rapidly post day-5 of disease. Keep in mind Ct is geometric, not linear. My earlier statement about viral load being 3x worse for unvaccinated Delta, which was from an earlier study, isn't particularly accurate per this more recent study. Both vaccinated breakthrus and unvaccinated cases are likely equally contagious early on (before day 5); later on the vaccinated are going to be much less contagious. But I stand behind my earlier statement it is misinformation to claim vaccinated folks have a 251x higher load, as that was not a Delta to Delta comparison.