Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


My job is fun
You got it. Muslim woman also cover their face to signal their virtue as commanded in the Quran. Time will tell, but this may very well be a death cult.
Actually the Quran does not say anything about covering their face… the face covering is a cultural thing more or less. It says to guard their private parts and not to expose their adornment.
I wasnt going to call him a liar outright. I thought I'd let him hang himself.

He didn't dissapount....
I have plenty of rope left though. But speaking of vaccinations, does anyone know where I should have my third-dose/booster injected? Since I've already used both my left and right arms for the first two, I am not clear if getting an additional shot in the same arm would cause the trackers to interfere with each other.


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Actually the Quran does not say anything about covering their face… the face covering is a cultural thing more or less. It says to guard their private parts and not to expose their adornment.

You like to talk out your ass a lot and it stinks. It sure is a religious garment.

The case for niqab

Evidence for the obligation of niqab

There are only a few references to veiling in the hadith and most of these actually refer to the khimar, which is restricted linguistically to head covering. The covering of the face is only mentioned in three hadith and never by the command of the Prophet Muhammad. In fact, in one hadith, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad are even surprised at one woman's wearing of the niqab during her time of bereavement.

The main evidence from scholars who believe that niqab is obligatory comes from these verses of the Qur'an.

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Qur'an 33:59
Scholars, such as Imam Abul A'la Mawdudi from the Indian subcontinent, suggest that these verses refer to covering the entire body, including the face and hands. The order 'cast their outer garments' in Arabic is similar to phrase 'draw together'. Scholars say that as a result of this verse, the women at the time of the Prophet drew together their garments over their entire body, including the face.

One hadith that is used as evidence for this is:

Narrated 'Aisha (wife of Prophet Muhammad): The Messenger of God, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.
This hadith has been dated some time after verse 33:59 was revealed. Proponents of the niqab say that this hadith shows that the women during the time of the Prophet were not recognisable and hence they must have worn niqab.

However, other scholars have argued that their faces were unrecognisable because it was dark, not because they were covered up. It is interesting to note that Aisha says 'some' women, and not all. Furthermore she refers to the early-morning prayer and not to any other. It would certainly make it more difficult to see who individuals were if they were dressed in cloaks before sunrise.

In addition, they have argued that the order 'cast their outer garments over their persons' has been misunderstood. They say that the word 'face' has not been indicated in the Arabic, and it would therefore be wrong to extend the meaning.

Other proponents of the niqab use this Qur'anic verse for evidence for the niqab.

...And when ye ask (the Prophet's wives) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs.
Qur'an 33:53
The wives of the Prophet were indeed required to wear the niqab by this Qur'anic verse. This is because the special status they had meant they had to be kept clear from all gossip and slander. Scholars say that if the wives of the Prophet, as the best of feminine examples, were required to wear niqab, then the ruling falls on all women.

However, earlier on in the same chapter, the Qur'an also very clearly states that the Prophet's wives were not similar to other women.

O Wives of the Prophet! You are not like any of the other women.
Most scholars are in agreement that the verse about the screen, or concealing of the face, is only obligatory on the wives of the Prophet. They say the verses are a clear indication that the wives of the Prophet are much more restricted in their movement due to their political position, and that their code of conduct does not constitute a code of conduct for women in general.

However it’s always better to hear it straight from the horses mouth rather than a scholar or anyone outside the faith.

The 40 niqab wearers I interviewed for my book considered it a religious practice. Many of them said that the wives of Prophet Muhammad reportedly wore it regularly. A woman from Texas said: "I wear the niqab because I choose to follow what I believe to be the most accurate interpretation of God's word that says women who cover their faces will be rewarded for fulfilling this extra duty."

So yes numb nuts it’s a religious garment to reflect their faith.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
I have plenty of rope left though. But speaking of vaccinations, does anyone know where I should have my third-dose/booster injected? Since I've already used both my left and right arms for the first two, I am not clear if getting an additional shot in the same arm would cause the trackers to interfere with each other.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
View attachment 349599

It's like you're excited he got sick..


My job is fun
You like to talk out your ass a lot and it stinks. It sure is a religious garment.

The case for niqab

Evidence for the obligation of niqab

There are only a few references to veiling in the hadith and most of these actually refer to the khimar, which is restricted linguistically to head covering. The covering of the face is only mentioned in three hadith and never by the command of the Prophet Muhammad. In fact, in one hadith, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad are even surprised at one woman's wearing of the niqab during her time of bereavement.

The main evidence from scholars who believe that niqab is obligatory comes from these verses of the Qur'an.

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Qur'an 33:59
Scholars, such as Imam Abul A'la Mawdudi from the Indian subcontinent, suggest that these verses refer to covering the entire body, including the face and hands. The order 'cast their outer garments' in Arabic is similar to phrase 'draw together'. Scholars say that as a result of this verse, the women at the time of the Prophet drew together their garments over their entire body, including the face.

One hadith that is used as evidence for this is:

Narrated 'Aisha (wife of Prophet Muhammad): The Messenger of God, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.
This hadith has been dated some time after verse 33:59 was revealed. Proponents of the niqab say that this hadith shows that the women during the time of the Prophet were not recognisable and hence they must have worn niqab.

However, other scholars have argued that their faces were unrecognisable because it was dark, not because they were covered up. It is interesting to note that Aisha says 'some' women, and not all. Furthermore she refers to the early-morning prayer and not to any other. It would certainly make it more difficult to see who individuals were if they were dressed in cloaks before sunrise.

In addition, they have argued that the order 'cast their outer garments over their persons' has been misunderstood. They say that the word 'face' has not been indicated in the Arabic, and it would therefore be wrong to extend the meaning.

Other proponents of the niqab use this Qur'anic verse for evidence for the niqab.

...And when ye ask (the Prophet's wives) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs.
Qur'an 33:53
The wives of the Prophet were indeed required to wear the niqab by this Qur'anic verse. This is because the special status they had meant they had to be kept clear from all gossip and slander. Scholars say that if the wives of the Prophet, as the best of feminine examples, were required to wear niqab, then the ruling falls on all women.

However, earlier on in the same chapter, the Qur'an also very clearly states that the Prophet's wives were not similar to other women.

O Wives of the Prophet! You are not like any of the other women.
Most scholars are in agreement that the verse about the screen, or concealing of the face, is only obligatory on the wives of the Prophet. They say the verses are a clear indication that the wives of the Prophet are much more restricted in their movement due to their political position, and that their code of conduct does not constitute a code of conduct for women in general.

However it’s always better to hear it straight from the horses mouth rather than a scholar or anyone outside the faith.

The 40 niqab wearers I interviewed for my book considered it a religious practice. Many of them said that the wives of Prophet Muhammad reportedly wore it regularly. A woman from Texas said: "I wear the niqab because I choose to follow what I believe to be the most accurate interpretation of God's word that says women who cover their faces will be rewarded for fulfilling this extra duty."

So yes numb nuts it’s a religious garment to reflect their faith.
You like to talk out your ass a lot and it stinks. It sure is a religious garment.

The case for niqab

Evidence for the obligation of niqab

There are only a few references to veiling in the hadith and most of these actually refer to the khimar, which is restricted linguistically to head covering. The covering of the face is only mentioned in three hadith and never by the command of the Prophet Muhammad. In fact, in one hadith, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad are even surprised at one woman's wearing of the niqab during her time of bereavement.

The main evidence from scholars who believe that niqab is obligatory comes from these verses of the Qur'an.

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Qur'an 33:59
Scholars, such as Imam Abul A'la Mawdudi from the Indian subcontinent, suggest that these verses refer to covering the entire body, including the face and hands. The order 'cast their outer garments' in Arabic is similar to phrase 'draw together'. Scholars say that as a result of this verse, the women at the time of the Prophet drew together their garments over their entire body, including the face.

One hadith that is used as evidence for this is:

Narrated 'Aisha (wife of Prophet Muhammad): The Messenger of God, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.
This hadith has been dated some time after verse 33:59 was revealed. Proponents of the niqab say that this hadith shows that the women during the time of the Prophet were not recognisable and hence they must have worn niqab.

However, other scholars have argued that their faces were unrecognisable because it was dark, not because they were covered up. It is interesting to note that Aisha says 'some' women, and not all. Furthermore she refers to the early-morning prayer and not to any other. It would certainly make it more difficult to see who individuals were if they were dressed in cloaks before sunrise.

In addition, they have argued that the order 'cast their outer garments over their persons' has been misunderstood. They say that the word 'face' has not been indicated in the Arabic, and it would therefore be wrong to extend the meaning.

Other proponents of the niqab use this Qur'anic verse for evidence for the niqab.

...And when ye ask (the Prophet's wives) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs.
Qur'an 33:53
The wives of the Prophet were indeed required to wear the niqab by this Qur'anic verse. This is because the special status they had meant they had to be kept clear from all gossip and slander. Scholars say that if the wives of the Prophet, as the best of feminine examples, were required to wear niqab, then the ruling falls on all women.

However, earlier on in the same chapter, the Qur'an also very clearly states that the Prophet's wives were not similar to other women.

O Wives of the Prophet! You are not like any of the other women.
Most scholars are in agreement that the verse about the screen, or concealing of the face, is only obligatory on the wives of the Prophet. They say the verses are a clear indication that the wives of the Prophet are much more restricted in their movement due to their political position, and that their code of conduct does not constitute a code of conduct for women in general.

However it’s always better to hear it straight from the horses mouth rather than a scholar or anyone outside the faith.

The 40 niqab wearers I interviewed for my book considered it a religious practice. Many of them said that the wives of Prophet Muhammad reportedly wore it regularly. A woman from Texas said: "I wear the niqab because I choose to follow what I believe to be the most accurate interpretation of God's word that says women who cover their faces will be rewarded for fulfilling this extra duty."

So yes numb nuts it’s a religious garment to reflect their faith.
You are a complete maroon. Again it doesn’t mention face covering. It mentions hijabs and covering like that. No where in the Quran does it state for a woman to cover her face. Idk why you brought up hadiths as that is not written in the Quran either. Maybe I should have worded it different for you in the original thing I said. The Quran requires a woman to wear a hijab/covering over her body yes but the full on burqa or whatever they are called are cultural. Numb nuts
Shame on you for spreading misinformation.
You're literally killing people.
You're probably right. Figuratively, anyways. Until quite recently, lots of the vaccinated folks I hang out with just blatantly believed they were pretty much immune and/or not contagious. Their entire family would be coughing and sneezing, but they're like "It's just a cold - we've been vaccinated". Even though there are were no "colds" circulating in the area. Whether their "viral load" is 1/3 of an unvaccinated carrier or not becomes non-relevant when it's still a couple magnitudes of order higher than with pre-Delta variants. If it takes some headline stating it's 251x higher than "something", then maybe that gets their attention.

The CDC did no one any favors when they stopped tracking breakthrough cases on May 1, and only tracked breakthrough hospitalization stats after that. Far be it for the CDC to collect data which might be "confusing" to folks if it fell into the wrong hands.

But the question of who is "spreading" Delta is now pretty moot, it's unstoppable, as opposed to previous variants. Look at Australia, for example - they will be rivaling the U.S. case counts at some point, all because of a single infected limo driver who fell between the cracks in their quarantine system.