Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Inordinately Right
You're probably right. Figuratively, anyways. Until quite recently, lots of the vaccinated folks I hang out with just blatantly believed they were pretty much immune and/or not contagious. Their entire family would be coughing and sneezing, but they're like "It's just a cold - we've been vaccinated". Even though there are were no "colds" circulating in the area. Whether their "viral load" is 1/3 of an unvaccinated carrier or not becomes non-relevant when it's still a couple magnitudes of order higher than with pre-Delta variants. If it takes some headline stating it's 251x higher than "something", then maybe that gets their attention.

The CDC did no one any favors when they stopped tracking breakthrough cases on May 1, and only tracked breakthrough hospitalization stats after that. Far be it for the CDC to collect data which might be "confusing" to folks if it fell into the wrong hands.

But the question of who is "spreading" Delta is now pretty moot, it's unstoppable, as opposed to previous variants. Look at Australia, for example - they will be rivaling the U.S. case counts at some point, all because of a single infected limo driver who fell between the cracks in their quarantine system.
I agree with pretty much all of that, except that you think previous variants were stoppable.
????? Was there a second lockdown? Did I miss something or are you from a different country?
There was not even a "first lockdown" in the U.S. Y'all don't know what a lockdown is. China can help with that, if you're really interested. They're pretty good at lockdowns of vast swaths of the population there.

The "game plan" is no longer about stopping the spread. That is no longer realistic (possibly never was). It's all about keeping hospitalizations to a manageable level. Thus, no lockdowns or frequent testing, as the "return" on that is not worth the economic disruption.

The focus going forward will be on getting the vaccinated their "boosters" starting on Sept 20. Per WSJ today, it will be after six months, not eight. Which makes a lot more sense, given the recent data. There will not be much resistance. Quite a few folks are already getting third shot. All one has to do is "check" a box on the CVS scheduling website, for example. No doctor note or Rx needed. Plus there will be the continued push for first-time vaccinations, which will accumulate over time, as more employers, and their employees, cave.

Meanwhile, the pool of unvaxxed and uninfected will continue to shrink. Eventually that pool will start to creep back up after acquired immunity starts to wane, but that's a problem for next year, not this fall, as acquired immunity last longer than vaccine induced immunity. But whether vaccinated or infected, even with waning circulating antibodies, memory B-cells are holding at steady levels, and those are the cells that crank out fresh antibodies when re-exposed to the pathogen, thus generally preventing severe disease.

Then, early winter, the kids 12 and under can get vaxxed. That won't really matter by then - they will all have acquired immunity by then. Well, maybe not all of them. Just every single one that goes to school, pre-school, or daycare. Masking is probably irrelevant in those environments.


Inordinately Right
There was not even a "first lockdown" in the U.S. Y'all don't know what a lockdown is. China can help with that, if you're really interested. They're pretty good at lockdowns of vast swaths of the population there.
Censoring and disappearing whistleblowers about their outbreak while having millions of people congregate to celebrate Chinese New Year...... that's quite an interesting way to "lockdown".
Stay unvaccinated all you want. Just deny all the non vaccinated idiots health care.
If I already have acquired immunity, why do I need to re-acquire immunity? And don't tag some lame study stating vaccines are better that natural acquisition, because there are just as many stating the opposite. Why doesn't any physician suggest the chicken pox vaccine to me?


Well-Known Member
🚨 🚨
Pfizer/FDA & The Two Letter Scam

Dr. Robert Malone Update

The FDA authorized a “vaccine” that DOES NOT currently exist.

They issued two separate letters FOR TWO SEPARATE “VACCINES”!

The Pfizer vaccine, which is what is currently being given IS STILL UNDER EUA, which still has the liability shield.

The MSM is lying to EVERYONE, again!

This is what Sidney Powell would call a word game or word salad.

The product that WAS LICENSED is the BioNtech product “COMIRNATY” as detailed on Page 2, first paragraph. Here 👇

The BioNTech product that got the BAL approval is similar to the already available Pfizer “vaccine”, but it is NOT THE SAME VACCINE and “COMIRNATY” it isn’t even created or labeled yet.

The FDA, MSM, & Pfizer are ALL coercing the world into believe the Pfizer jab was FDA approved.


Read it again. It sure does sound like two different products. Do you have something to show that a product called COMIRNATY has not been developed yet because all the main sources claim it’s the same thing, but the FDA letter espouses two separate products. One under EUA and the other fully approved.


Well-Known Member
What is it you think the Bill of Rights is? So far you're painting the 4th and 2nd ammendments as different animals under the premise of the Bill of Rights. Just curious.

More importantly, I don’t understand why people think the color of law statute does not apply in this case where it’s interpretation says, Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials.

Certainly any company or corporation would come under this classification as an “other” acting as a public official would fall under this interpretation since they are purportedly trying to protect the public and acting as an agent to the FDA and CDC which are public government health agencies. So if UPS were to push the envelope acting as a public official then those in corporate and management could be face significant jail time, fined and even a death penalty for violating any persons fourth amendment right, especially if injured or killed as a direct or in this case indirect result.
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Well-Known Member
More importantly, I don’t understand why people think the color of law statute does not apply in this case where it’s interpretation says, Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials.

Certainly any company or corporation would come under this classification as an “other” acting as a public official would fall under this interpretation since they are purportedly trying to protect the public and acting as an agent to the FDA and CDC which are government agencies. So if UPS were to push the envelope acting as a public official then those in corporate and management could be face significant jail time, fined and even a death penalty for violating my fourth amendment right, especially if injured or killed as a direct or in this case indirect result.

So basically when you file for that religious exemption, if and when the time comes , you might want to throw in this statute in case they are thinking of playing games with the religious exemption as I’ve heard reports of this.

Buffet Master

Got the J and J jab. Been rawdogging unvaxxed chicks, spreading a bit of that immunity flowing in my blood.
Doing my part, one trailer park trollop at a time.


Well-Known Member
Got the J and J jab. Been rawdogging unvaxxed chicks, spreading a bit of that immunity flowing in my blood.
Doing my part, one trailer park trollop at a time.
It's about time I read a worthwhile post on here with some good humor......only took 20 pages.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
View attachment 349599

Tit for tat..



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
In 9 months will we see the zombies that everyone is talking about?

Just asking......
I found something else while dumping on the clock


Binge Poster

Like it or not, a job that has so much public exposure like the UPS Service Provider job does, it is a job that clearly will require a vaccine mandate in a society leaning towards vaccine mandates. IMO it is not a matter of if, but it is a matter of when.

It only makes sense.


Well-Known Member
In 9 months will we see the zombies that everyone is talking about?

Just asking......

I’m seeing zombies right now all around me wearing face masks repeating everything off the TV word for word. I’ve known about zombies since 9/11. I used to be one and the only cure is to stop believing everything you here, especially out of the boob tube, listen to everyone, think and research independently getting information straight from the source and draw your own damn conclusion free from influence (aka fact checkers) as most of the time they only flash credentials and no source or if they do provide sources, they provide the source out of context hoping you won’t examine their source.


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