Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Well-Known Member
The recovery rate for people under 70 y/o with no pre-existing conditions is over 99%. You're LITERALLY more likely to be struck by lightening than to die from Covid. The only cowards are the healthy people afraid of dying of Covid.
"Take this shot that doesnt stop infection, transmission, or death from a harmless virus or we won't let you participate in society!"

"Yeah, literally everything we said about covid was a lie. But you have to trust us. We totally aren't lying this time. It makes it less likely for you to get serious symptoms. You will go from a 99.9999999% to a 99.999999% survival rate"

"I got my vax card tattooed on my arm and still wear my mask walking down the street by myself."


Inordinately Right
"I got my vax card tattooed on my arm and still wear my mask walking down the street by myself."
These people are mentally ill.