You gotta stop looking at it like everybody claims to know EXACTLY WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN
When has any doctor, or anybody else said:
“WE KNOW 100% that this will go away at this time if we do this?”
This is a virus. It’s new. It’s an evolving situation.
A vaccine was produced an effort to combat the virus. They know X about the virus.
But there’s no way in hell anybody could sit there and tel you EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN.
So where does this whole “were being lied to” bs come from?
What has been lied about?
Lets see,
Lie #1. We should wear masks, 100% verifiable lie with no supporting evidence
Lie #2. Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work. NEJM and The Lancet published literally fraudulent data to discredit HCQ and had to retract it when they got caught. Over 200 studies used the fraudulent data AFTER it was retracted. State Governors and foreign leaders used these studies to block doctors and pharmacists from prescribing HCQ.
Lie #3. Covid didn’t come from wuhan biolab. This was obvious from the beginning to anyone with double digit iq. The virus originated in the same city as one of the handful in the world with a level 4 biolab. A level 4 biolab studying bat coronaviruses. That was reported as having unsafe containment practices many times.
In china, the same country that had a coronavirus (SARS) escape from a biolab and then lied about it.
Lie #4. Democrat governors didnt kill elderly nursing patients. They forced young covid positive patients into nursing homes when there were thousands of empty beds in army field hospitals and the Navy hospital ship available.
Lie #5. Hospitals were in danger of being overwhelmed. Italies hospitals have been overrun with patients every flu season for the past 10 years at least. You can find articles about the problem going back A long time, its a staffing problem not a virus problem. Socialized medicine doesn’t work, there is infinite demand and limited supply.
I could go on but this is already tldr. No links, brainwashed people dont care about facts and they will believe a MSM “deboonk” article from repeat liars anyways so I don’t waste my time with links anymore.