I get what you are saying Marne V, but it does not matter if a person on your ignore list comments on your stuff. You will not see it. You will not see it in quotes either, if another user quotes them, you do not see that post either. You do not see topics they start. The only way you know they exist is if others post to them, mentioning their name and not quoting their post.
The ignore function with this software is very, very robust. I would even go to say it is impressive.
As far as moderating..... if someone hits the alert button, I can read that alert in the comfort in of the mod lounge. I can click the link and read the alerted post. There is also a button at the bottom of every forum that I can click "see ignored content" I click that and all comes up. If I am in a thread, at the bottom of each page is a button, "see ignored content" I can click that and see it.
The only thing that I cannot do is message a member I have on ignore. Messages are now 'conversations.' I cannot start a conversation with an ignored member, as their replies would be invisible to me.
There are plenty of mods here, including some that refuse to ignore members. If the alert button is hit, a mod squad member can do what needs to be done. The only thing that I cannot do is act as a mod on an ignored member before a button is pressed.
The point that everyone seems to be forgetting is that this is Cheryl's place. We should all be acting as if we were sitting in her living room. It is really that simple.