No offense taken

No I am not in Mgt. I have close to 8 years with the company and have been a Teamster for most of that time. I understand having an issue or multiple issues that rub people the wrong way, however it seems like there are a whole lot of people posting about how awful the contract is and why everyone should vote no and how they can't understand how anyone could vote yes. This particular thread seemed odd to me only because it was about GPS discipline and how it would be a nightmare. I'm not quite sure how much of a nightmare it would be if you are doing your job to the best of your ability. If it comes to pass that the company abuses the GPS discipline language then it will be a much different story and I will be right there with the rest of you calling foul. However, I dislike the idea of assuming it will be horrible before it even takes place.
I agree that UPS makes a ton of money and I also believe there is a huge discrepancy between what a new employee makes vs what the upper echelon of management makes and it should be addressed. In my opinion the first step needs to be an across the board reckoning for CEO's making outrageous salaries and getting obscene golden parachutes while the people who shoulder the workload get the short end. On the flip side I think people who have been at UPS for a while make very very good money and I get a little sick when I hear certain people (in my hub as that is my experience) cry and moan about how $32 / hr is not enough and they need more - It is what got the UAW in trouble.
Now I stated that I am in the Union but that by no stretch of the imagination means I think they are perfect. To address your last point there is an us vs them mentality that it fostered in a union environment that, in my opinion, is more detrimental to loyalty and productivity than wage discrepancy. I believe a union is just like any other political organization or single politician. There comes a time when it becomes more about keeping their jobs than protecting their members. PT's don't vote nearly as much as FTs so their needs don't get focused on by the company or the Union nearly as much as they should. The PTs are just as much to blame here as anyone though. Apathy is a terrible terrible thing.
I am in the Union because I believe it can be a strong force for its members as well as for the well being and longevity of the company and I cast a vote with that in mind. I don't bleed brown and I don't bleed... whatever color the union is

I try to take each issue on its own merits and make a decision based on the information as I see it. I am here on these forums for the same reason... I see too many people trying to force their ideas on others and I see too many posts indicating people are not thinking on their own and it infuriates me.
I get mad, I get frustrated, I get sarcastic, I try to be funny but it all comes down to me trying to do what I believe is best.
Pardon the rambling