vote no!


Active Member
And why are you so worried about GPS? What are you doing during the day that you aren't supposed to?

I agree with Scatch, if you are doing your job, you should have nothing to worry about. If it looks like you might be taking a little extra time say at a pickup then call in just to cover your :censored2:. Always CYA. Everyday they are going to try the ol" what took you so long and why are you an hour+ over and do they not do that now? So, that is why I agree with Scratch, and so what if they have GPS. Just do your job and smile.


Well-Known Member
And again you avoid the Red Flag, and chose to insult me. My point is valid, and you lack argument as a result. The Union representatives are failing to follow proceedure. I've read the National POS Agreement, and will vote NO on all. Teamsters deserve an informed and fair vote. In the past members have won lawsuits involving national contracts, to enforce these rights.

"Methinks you're not too bright" sounds like an insult to me as well... you're crying foul when you cast insults first? That's interesting.