Voting bonus out!


Well-Known Member
I have heard of drivers records being checked if they are making bonus..or taken away..whatever doesn't affect me and I don't let it get to me. #do the best I can#in 10 years none of this will matter
I do my job safely and try not to worry about the bs but it sucks when your in a center and your ranked on if you run under or not. I guess it's a double edged sword.


Well-Known Member
guy probably had all sorts of ways to game the systemjust like a guy that used to work in our building who has since retired he had a country route with a few pickups out there that would sometimes ship hundreds of packages he actually had his wife meet him out there to help him load the truck during the busy season for the was a total scam sometimes you have a drivers spend a lot of time being creative on how to be paid more. here's how I see it you have a few drivers trying to game the system from UPS then you have ups prank game the system from everyone else then you have the average drivers who are stuck in the middle.don't expect ups to be fair about these things they are a corporation they don't care about what is right or fair
The problem ain't a guy, it's all. My center feeds off it

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Would the time that someone takes a lunch affect how much allowance they get...I don't think someone should take a "lunch" at 6pm, but between 10 and 2 isn't always possible..
The allowances stay the same as they time study areas. If a driver skips breaks and lunch in a bonus center they get paid that time in addition to on the clock time. On a route that can't be beat if a driver gives up time he usually gives up money. Lunches should always be taken in the specified times in your agreement.


I've been guilty of moving pkgs around during my lunch break, I try not to though. I just don't understand how there time allowances work. The guy who had the route before me always ran under( everyone knows he skipped his lunch and break . In my center its normal) I have more sporh then he did but I run over but have less miles. I just don't understand why the people who run up miles and cheat the company get paid bonus. Makes no sense to me.
You can't run up miles with Orion.


Why are you avoiding answering whether or not your time allowances are very generous? Avoiding the truth is almost the same as lying. Are are you sticking to the story that you are just "more efficient"?
Not avoiding anything fool, average 140 miles, 140 stops, pickup over 200, don't get enough allowance in my opinion. Fool

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Not avoiding anything fool, average 140 miles, 140 stops, pickup over 200, don't get enough allowance in my opinion. Fool
You are avoiding it. But you sure arent avoiding dishing out childish insults. You've stated that you run an hour under everyday and now you are claiming that you aren't given enough time?!?!?! LOL! That right there is a tell-tale sign of a bonus baby. You people kill me. This is hilarious.


You are avoiding it. But you sure arent avoiding dishing out childish insults. You've stated that you run an hour under everyday and now you are claiming that you aren't given enough time?!?!?! LOL! That right there is a tell-tale sign of a bonus baby. You people kill me. This is hilarious.
You people? We are all pheasants to the king thug I guess.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You people? We are all pheasants to the king thug I guess.
No not pheasants. Just a bunch of drivers suffering from spoiled brat syndrome and severe cases of narcissism.

"What do you mean I ONLY get 5 hours of bonus per week on my route now?!?! I should get 10 because I'm so efficient! You are stealing our time!"

710 steward

Well-Known Member
No not pheasants. Just a bunch of drivers suffering from spoiled brat syndrome and severe cases of narcissism.

"What do you mean I ONLY get 5 hours of bonus per week on my route now?!?! I should get 10 because I'm so efficient! You are stealing our time!"

Exactly correct. These folks mostly act entitled and believe they are superior workers. Walk, get an honest signature, take your breaks and you'll find out you're as average as it gets.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
You people? We are all pheasants to the king thug I guess.

I like pheasants. Not as much as grouse, though.


Well-Known Member
Exactly correct. These folks mostly act entitled and believe they are superior workers. Walk, get an honest signature, take your breaks and you'll find out you're as average as it gets.

Also if you have already taken your hour lunch for the day and are finished early but still have to wait on a late pick not put that in as an extra lunch break. Some guys here do that.


Well-Known Member
Also if you have already taken your hour lunch for the day and are finished early but still have to wait on a late pick not put that in as an extra lunch break. Some guys here do that.

If we were to put in our 45 and then put in an additional lunch we would have some 'splainin' to do the next morning.


No not pheasants. Just a bunch of drivers suffering from spoiled brat syndrome and severe cases of narcissism.

"What do you mean I ONLY get 5 hours of bonus per week on my route now?!?! I should get 10 because I'm so efficient! You are stealing our time!"
Did I say Only? I'm sorry youre right, I'm wrong, I'm a thief. Like I said, no matter what I say to you it will be wrong. Keep thinking I have a great time allowance, I'll keep working 45 and get paid for 50. I agree that you probably deserve more time but why scrutinize me for running under?