I will agree with you there. Those reports, that also show our paid day, shouldn't be posted for everyone to see. I wouldn't even want it in the mail slot. I will found out how much money I made on my paycheck or by asking for a printout of my hours from the OMS at the end of the week.
In bonus centers most drivers look their stats on those reports to see "how they did" (I look at mine for entertainment purposes LOL) but the bonus babies look at everyone else's too. It's so sad really. The jealously and sense of entitlement that bonus breeds is destructive for morale. I see bonus babies practically throw a fit when they see that another driver (especially if it's an adjacent route) is getting more bonus then them. Then they start trying to be a driver/dispatcher and want the actual PDS to give them air from that adjacent route to deliver and to cut their slower and more difficult delivery areas (such as apartments) to the adjacent route. It's pathetic listening to these guys and all the games they want to play to inflate their bonus. Getting rid of the ability for everyone to see the numbers would help eliminate that. And getting rid of bonus.
It shouldn't be posted for everyone to see. It's nobody's business how much I was paid whether it be straight time, OT, or bonus (which is rare) or how many miles I drove. Or anyone thing else on those reports. Plus, I just stated above, those reports are nothing more than a morale killer. A ploy to pit driver against driver and to intimidate certain people by showing them how much UPS thinks they suck. The only number anyone of us should care about is the amount of coin printed on our paychecks. Anything else should be management's problem. Otherwise....if a driver wants to see their hours, or even how many miles they drove, SPORH, etc. they can simply ask for a printout. There is no need to make it all public.