Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Got the T-Shirt
A couple of points relating to her data would be that the Strike Fund is handled by the International, the locals are not involved with it's funding.

The per capita paid to the IBT, is what "funds" the strike fund.

The International raises our Union Dues after the l997 strike to cover those increases.

If anyones dues went up after the 1997 strike, it was done by their Local.

If you will recall.... the dues structure was changed in 2002 by the "Blue Ribbon" commission

that was comprised of elected delegates from the previous IBT convention.



Well-Known Member
There's a large Amazon distribution center here locally, that lured both management and

hourly workers from UPS with the promise of better wages and benefits.

In less than a year.... they have all topped out, with no future advancement.
They are 10-15 years too late. The managers that left in the early 2000s are doing fairly well. A couple of my past center manager would not come back.


Well-Known Member
The per capita paid to the IBT, is what "funds" the strike fund.

If anyones dues went up after the 1997 strike, it was done by their Local.

If you will recall.... the dues structure was changed in 2002 by the "Blue Ribbon" commission

that was comprised of elected delegates from the previous IBT convention.

I would like to think that all locals that gave out only $50 a week in stike benefits, raised their dues. So that they could have their own stike fund. In 97 we got $300 a week because of own strike fund.


Well-Known Member
Just a last ditch effort to scare up some yes votes..

Her charts do not reflect what UPS is saying on their projected Q3 2018 Earnings Release. In a nutshell, continuing profits, reduced cost with their retirements funds due to increasing returns on their investments (last year 14.5%).

I generally get the feeling that she is stating that the International is cowering down on their strike option for liability reasons. It was those rank and file people who voted it down, we are not responsible, take it out on them, leave us alone. Quite a turn from the "Ron Carey" Strike in l997, which she never participated in considering her age, so she speaks from no experience.

A couple of points relating to her data would be that the Strike Fund is handled by the International, the locals are not involved with it's funding. The International raises our Union Dues after the l997 strike to cover those increases.

My Health Coverage during the 2 week strike in l997 that was covered by the Company at that time, they honored those benefits which I never had to use. Currently most of us are now under the Teamster's controlled plans which they clearly stated will continue if there is a work stoppage. (TeamCare).

As far as scabs crossing any picket line with the Teamsters even if the International permits it, that will be another story that NOBODY wants to hear...Even her scare tactics of even thinking or suggesting that scenario really should show where her mind is, even worst considering her paid position.

People..Do not go for this..You will be hearing a lot of imagined horror stories over the next 3 weeks..The game plan is to plant doubt in the minds of the swing votes to cross over and change their votes before the deadline.

Her claim that politics are involved...You kidding me, where has she been over the last 15 years. It always and will always be political, that is the nature of the game, like it or not...

Maybe she is just doing her job to protect the vested interests of her own local and the International, but her willingness not to see how this "Master" will affect other rank and file in different parts of the nation is alarming..Again I will state that if she was working in the Central, East or Southern regions she would be singing a different tune.
One must make their own conclusions. But what you wrote here is very misleading and flat out wrong. The analysis is not done ALL UPS REVENUE/PROFITS. Only on the revenue/profits that teamsters bring in.

Local 174 was a strong supporter of Ron Carey. Some of the same people who negotiated this contract, also negotiated in 1997.

Some locals have their own strike fund and used it in 1997. Local 174 had a $300 stike benefit.

I also did not lose health coverage, because the strike did not last long enough. But I would have if it lasted long enough.


New Member
Question about outside hire progression and new contract. I reached seniority in May 2017, and I’m also in the southern region. On road supervisor has said my progression is going to 3 years, anyone know if there’s any truth to that? Also, will I receive the GWI on top of the progression increase each year?


I'm a star
Question about outside hire progression and new contract. I reached seniority in May 2017, and I’m also in the southern region. On road supervisor has said my progression is going to 3 years, anyone know if there’s any truth to that? Also, will I receive the GWI on top of the progression increase each year?

Ground driver progression stays the same in the current Tentative Agreement, but if passes as is, drivers in progression will get a sizable bump in pay.