Folks ,
We , the people , the backbone,heart eat and spirit of this beloved corporation are being sold down river , very , very cheap . We can do so much better than what is being shoved down our throats or up our rear ends . What our Teamster negotiation committee members are tentatively agreeing to is so beneath what we deserve . Let's start with the wages , yes we are already paid nicely but we "earn" it , dont we !!! . What is $4.15 over 5 years , roughly 83 cents a year . What happened to the days of $1.00 , $1.25 , hell 95 cent raises ? U.P.S. recieved such a nice tax cut , from 35% to 21% , and this is the best they can do ? , "NO" !!! . They are forecasted to net 6 , six , BILLION dollar profit this year alone (then add newly added tax cuts ) . We live in the most prosperous nation in the world , our economy is exploding . I'm not getting into politics ,however we have a "BILLION" dollar President , a businessman at that . Why should we vote "NO" is a no brainer ? It's our time , we deserve more , the economy is ripe, tax cuts on businesses , labor shortages, CDL driver shortage , we control the shipping industry all adds up to "it's there for the taking " . This might be our last time in a while to capitalize on all that is front of us . The most that can happen if we fail to vote "no" is we move ahead with this subpar contract , BUT if we were to overwhelmingly vote "NO" we send our representatives back to the table with so much more to gain , folks U.P.S. will bend , but we have to ask for it . We have to continue to engage our fellow coworkers, we have to use all tools available such as SOCIAL MEDIA , flyers , text , emails , parking lot meetings , Union hall meetings. We can do this folks , dont settle for this low ball offer , when we have so much more to gain at such a fruitful time . A vote "NO" does not mean we will go on strike , they still have til July 31st to wrap this up , but if a yes vote now will only get you what is being offered , and our representatives get to go back to playing golf and fancy dinners and vacays. Let's make them work for us , is that to much to ask ?? Remember this , what might be a nice contract for a senior feeder driver looking forward to retirement in a couple years , might look like crap to a new hire part time who is paying his dues , same thing for a combo employee and a package car driver . All that glitters , is not gold . Lastly , I will leave you with this , U.P.S. wants to succeed, so do you , corporate wants the numbers to keep going up , we want our bank accounts to keep thriving , our time with our families going up . Right now what is being offered is only a scratching of the surface of what we could have . And "NO" , I do not want a strike , that's why we send them back to the table to negotiate, but if we dont come together you will never no what you could have had . Unity folks , we can do this !!!!