Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
So, answer me this, do you like TCD language?
Regardless of what I like they has been in the contract over 20 years and here to stay. They do have benefits like getting red circled at a higher progression rate than friend/T which is good but every region has their differences.


Well-Known Member
Cover drivers are different. At my center they use them when too many people call in sick, or like Amazon Prime day. They aren’t used to reduce Full time drivers overtime, ever. They also would never reduce the volume on a Monday, and cause routes to be cut on Monday. I personally don’t have a problem with cover drivers. We have about 5 of them, and i understand that UPS cannot control people calling in sick, so they have to have staff available to do a route, in a pinch. This is much different than a full-time position, doing the same work for half the pay, and no protection.
Unfortunately here in the west they're used day in day out, routes getting hacked to bits, They work more hours than full time, They get paid 75% top rate, cover pick ups so others can make it under 9.5. They have constant payroll errors since payroll is in Texas and they appear as part time inside employees to them. I could go on for days about all the problems of them using cover drivers out of the language. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN WHERE YOU ARE!


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what I like they has been in the contract over 20 years and here to stay. They do have benefits like getting red circled at a higher progression rate than friend/T which is good but every region has their differences.

We do not have them here nor does many parts of the country.. Come again?


Well-Known Member
Your cover drivers get paid less, have no 9.5 rights and only get a part time pension but that is ok? So you would rather keep that than them getting full time pension contributions?
If they were REAL full time jobs they would get full time pension contributions. That's what everyone is saying!!!!


Well-Known Member
That's a question he avoids because the answer is obvious to us that voted it down to begin with years ago. He prob got more money in his pension so he voted it in for his own base gain.

Now he owes management for his job. He's a puppet. A lying one.

Yeah, its crystal clear to anyone with a brain. Is this his last contract? Hoping for that $400 pension boost? To hell with the concept of a union! Doesnt realize how much he owes past generations for what he’s got, but willing to sell out future generations for a little more. PATHETIC!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its crystal clear to anyone with a brain. Is this his last contract? Hoping for that $400 pension boost? To hell with the concept of a union! Doesnt realize how much he owes past generations for what he’s got, but willing to sell out future generations for a little more. PATHETIC!
This yes vote is a minority in the west. Don't let people on here give you the wrong idea.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately here in the west they're used day in day out, routes getting hacked to bits, They work more hours than full time, They get paid 75% top rate, cover pick ups so others can make it under 9.5. They have constant payroll errors since payroll is in Texas and they appear as part time inside employees to them. I could go on for days about all the problems of them using cover drivers out of the language. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN WHERE YOU ARE!
We got a grievance paid for those cover driver mistakes for $30,000 in pay and penalties. They already work year round with no 9.5 protection and part time pension. If you use it to your advantage you can go cover driving for 6 months you get red circled at 75% of top rate and that is way higher than RPCD progression. You can tben go to 22.4 and earn RPCD progression time and full time pension of $129,000 over the 5 year contract. There are many part time guys that would love that job. If you vote no your keeping a two tier driver at 10 dollars less an hour and part time pension. Essentially your voting no to get less than a 22.4.


Well-Known Member
That's only for management

Welllll alrighty then. I'm local 710, guess I gotta figure out all over again if I'm getting a pension. Thanks, stewart. After two years here, just got my copy of the master agreement last week. And said stewart has no idea what's in the new contract. Not a thing.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately here in the west they're used day in day out, routes getting hacked to bits, They work more hours than full time, They get paid 75% top rate, cover pick ups so others can make it under 9.5. They have constant payroll errors since payroll is in Texas and they appear as part time inside employees to them. I could go on for days about all the problems of them using cover drivers out of the language. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN WHERE YOU ARE!

Same issues here, but LagunaBrown thinks everything is rosey and we need 22.4s as well.
We got a grievance paid for those cover driver mistakes for $30,000 in pay and penalties. They already work year round with no 9.5 protection and part time pension. If you use it to your advantage you can go cover driving for 6 months you get red circled at 75% of top rate and that is way higher than RPCD progression. You can tben go to 22.4 and earn RPCD progression time and full time pension of $129,000 over the 5 year contract. There are many part time guys that would love that job. If you vote no your keeping a two tier driver at 10 dollars less an hour and part time pension. Essentially your voting no to get less than a 22.4.

So, moving on from cover driving after 6 months is a guarantee? How long you think these guys are going to be languishing in 22.4 classification? Sure some will move on quickly, but if youre in a relatively young center with no one retiring and the economy stagnates, you could be a 22.4 almost your whole career!


Well-Known Member
Maybe try asking someone other than your BA..

I am sure my scab BA and yours would get along fabulously.
So you BA is a scab?...well you supporting 22.4s has one foot in the door yourself!
TCD language should go, and 22.4 language should be voted down. But HEY, whatevers best for you...Right?