Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Frankie's Friend

On the brown cafe being a disgrace I can deal with. Are you a disgrace in real life? You seem angry. How were you as a husband or father. Were you a success? You seem very angry.
You seem like a caring individual. But you only care about yourself

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Enough with the threats. Everyone has their opinion on this contract, right or wrong. But throwing out strikes and layoffs, as much as they are a possibility, have the same chances of happening as a renegotiated contract with no work stoppage. And the renegotiation is the only thing that benefits all parties.
The company can't hire enough people to perform the job now, good luck replacing us. And the union wants our dues and keep the status quo. A no vote will simply put everyone back at the table to work towards the concerns that have been voiced since the contract was released and reviewed.
State your opinions, make your case. I don't agree with it, but that's fine. But the no vote will cause all these extreme case scenarios is old.
If you don't want to here the reality of whats at stake then turn you computer off.