Wacky News


golden ticket member
  • ChrisRihannaBETSplit.jpg

    Chris Brown and Rihanna (Reuters)
Today is Rihanna's 24th birthday, and who does she want on her "Birthday Cake"? Chris Brown, if you believe the reports.
According to MTV producers, Da Internz, said their upcoming remix of Rihanna's "Birthday Cake" features a cameo that would "shock the world." Rumors of both a professional and a personal collaboration with Brown began to fly, especially after the ex-couple was seen embracing in purported photographs from her birthday party.

If she goes back with him, she deserves every split lip, broken bone & bruise he'll give her.


golden ticket member
I applaud the young lady for standing up for her convictions and the group for recognizing her efforts.

Reward A-holes?? So if someone's beliefs don't agree with yours they are an A-hole?? I guess that makes me and most everyone on this site an A-hole. Or could it be you?
The fact that the banner was made by a student for the school years & years ago should mean something.....even just an art display of former student's work.

The school probably has a trophy case......someone who never got a trophy might want the whole thing taken out....because it's only for a few students.

Leave it! It's part of tradition!


Well-Known Member
Grigory Perelman, the Russian math whiz who solved a century-old problem, said he refused a $1 million prize because he knows "how to control the universe." The money was offered to Perelman by the Clay Mathematics
Institute of Cambridge, Mass. in 2010 for his accomplishment in proving the conjecture proposed by
Henri Poincare in 1904 on how three-spheres are the only possible bounded three-dimensional spaces
to contain no holes.
Perelman, who lives in poverty with his mother according to neighbors, said
that if he knew how to control the universe, "why should [he] run for a million?"