Wacky News


bella amicizia
It's going to be clear here this weekend. I think the local watering hole would be a nice place to watch this. Haven't been there in months. I wonder if there are any cuties that hang out there?


golden ticket member
Monday, May 7, 2012 @ 8:53 pm | UN Says Mount Rushmore Is “Sacred Land” That Must Be Returned To Native Americans…
Dear UN, piss off.
Via Daily Mail:
A UN human rights official is urging the U.S. to turn over control of lands considered to be sacred to Native Americans, including the site of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

James A, the UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, unveiled his recommendations in Geneva on Friday after completing a 12-day visit to the U.S. where he met with representatives of indigenous peoples in six states.
The fact-finder also had a chance to meet members of the Obama administration and briefed the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, but no member of Congress agreed to meet with him.

‘I have heard stories that make evident the profound hurt that indigenous peoples continue to feel because of the history of oppression they have faced,’ Mr A said in a statement.

For over a century, he said, the government had seized lands and resources from Native Americans, removed children from their families and communities, caused the loss of languages, broke treaties with tribes and oppressed the indigenous peoples on the grounds of racial discrimination.


golden ticket member
He's only doing this stunt because he looks bad since he stiffed his serving staff of their tips and they took him to court and he had to pay big!

Also, if the food stamps can't be used in one of your hoity-toity restaurants then to hell with you!!!

When I was a young married and we were on food stamps for 3 months, we ate better than we ever did...............all the money had to be spent ONLY on food. Shoot, steak all the time!!

Mario, you're a spotlight grabber and it's pathetic!


He's only doing this stunt because he looks bad since he stiffed his serving staff of their tips and they took him to court and he had to pay big!

Also, if the food stamps can't be used in one of your hoity-toity restaurants then to hell with you!!!

When I was a young married and we were on food stamps for 3 months, we ate better than we ever did...............all the money had to be spent ONLY on food. Shoot, steak all the time!!

Mario, you're a spotlight grabber and it's pathetic!