wages for management?


Well-Known Member
I have heard from too much to not enough to millions to 81,600 plus stock, I guess nobody really knows? IE sup ask "what drivers top out at" I made the 80k club last year for the first time I'm not sure if thats good or bad ! All I know that this job is only a means to an end, by that meaning that I am only at UPS to support my family and live life and the job is only as bad as you let your attitude allow it to be. And hopefully I can have more good days than bad. In my years at UPS I have had alot of bad but somehow the good have kept me employed for 19 years.

You must work a hell of alot of overtime to break 80k.


Senior Member
I have heard from too much to not enough to millions to 81,600 plus stock, I guess nobody really knows? IE sup ask "what drivers top out at" I made the 80k club last year for the first time I'm not sure if thats good or bad ! All I know that this job is only a means to an end, by that meaning that I am only at UPS to support my family and live life and the job is only as bad as you let your attitude allow it to be. And hopefully I can have more good days than bad. In my years at UPS I have had alot of bad but somehow the good have kept me employed for 19 years.
Everyday I come home safe and sound is a good day.
The last 20yrs have been good to me.


You must work a hell of alot of overtime to break 80k.
After I read your post I looked at a pay stub from 06 ending 12/23 and it said my total y-t-d total was 2,712.50 hours (regular,overtime,and production bonus) very little production bonus.


Well-Known Member
Management salaries differ around the country
due to the cost of living. A manager in Alabama wouldn't make what a manager in New York does.

Actually my center manager told me that his "buddies" in another state get what he gets.
and they live in lavish homes... where-as where we were the median home
price is over $500,000. Either way he still makes plenty, but not comparible
to his "buddies" don't shell out as much as he does just to live.
because the cost of living index and COLA raises aren't regionalized enough.
Gas is near $3/ga where I was, while 100miles away its 2.19...

COLA needs to be addressed better.

Now on-cars thats another story we had a 1yr rookie driver go to on-car,
and he complains that he was making more as a first year
driver(not even top rate yet).
Not to mention getting paid once a month instead of weekly.


Well-Known Member
After I read your post I looked at a pay stub from 06 ending 12/23 and it said my total y-t-d total was 2,712.50 hours (regular,overtime,and production bonus) very little production bonus.

You need 1600 hours to get pension credit for the year. You made that mark and then some. How many hours a week overtime do you work. I would guess 10-12 min, am I correct?


Well-Known Member
That is actually very close to being correct depending on how long a Manager has been a Manager. People think UPS mgmt make good money, I say they are out of their mind. So do the math, 60hrs a week x 4 weeks a month = 240 hrs. $6000 / 240 = $25 an hr.

I hope that UPS managers are not the highest paid in the industry. If that is true we work in a sad industry.

By the way what wage rates do drivers top out at??

Don't know where you work, but where I work managers don't work 60 hours a week, maybe, maybe 50, redo the math please and minus 40 hours a month....your also forgetting bonuses....I think we can ALL agree, they make good money..


Well-Known Member
Cell phones, lunches,expense accounts, Amex corp card, you know- all the good stuff.
AMEX Corp Card - Used for UPS business only. Hotel stays when you go to mtg, rental car to travel etc. In the past if you used your own card you could get points. Not any more. Cell phones? We have two choices get a UPS phone that we can't use for personal use which means we have to carry two phones. Or get reimbursed $30/month. For most people, the $30 doesn't even cover the extra minutes we have to purchase. (Note the $30 is a max not a min). If our bill goes over by $100 due to UPS we only get reimbursed $30. If we have mtgs at work, sometimes UPS buys lunch. But I can easily go a month or more before I get a UPS lunch. (Not that I want one), it's just not normally done. With the expense account it's just to reimburse us for out of pocket costs, it's not extra pay.


Cell phones, lunches,expense accounts, Amex corp card, you know- all the good stuff.

LOL, the cell phone is the kiss of death. When you have it you're never off the clock.

The expense account / amex is nice to be able to buy for your people but its not a personal card to be used solely on yourself.

any expenses over 100 which would cover most group recognition requires district manager approval.


PaganPink---you are probably pretty close with your numbers.The management team's salaries in the short term don't stack up very well with some of the highest paid drivers ($80k), but the stock awards at the end of the year for the Managers and Sups--which average 2x's their monthly salary--if they go untouched and the UPS Stock grows--it s where the real difference is after 20 years or so---and the fact that management can retire at 55 years old (if you have 25 years of service so you don't take too much of an early retirement --3% a year under 65) and have that nest egg plus a UPS pension is the real difference between driver/management.
Paganpink was close to right on. The perks some have mentioned are part of doing business. Paid hotel rooms for meeting, car rentals when away on business, group expense when needed. All standard. Cell phone probably depends on Districts. $30 was what they want you to keep you bill at. That's a lot of talk time. Our district paid all cell calls made to UPS number or customer number if necessary. Fedex Terminal Gd Terminal manager made about $65,000 for small terminal. (small terminal is between 10 and 24 contractors.) plus bonus.
Hub managers at FDX, $90,000 to $110,000 and up depending on the size of hub plus bonus.


Well-Known Member
Paganpink was close to right on. The perks some have mentioned are part of doing business. Paid hotel rooms for meeting, car rentals when away on business, group expense when needed. All standard. Cell phone probably depends on Districts. $30 was what they want you to keep you bill at. That's a lot of talk time. Our district paid all cell calls made to UPS number or customer number if necessary. Fedex Terminal Gd Terminal manager made about $65,000 for small terminal. (small terminal is between 10 and 24 contractors.) plus bonus.
Hub managers at FDX, $90,000 to $110,000 and up depending on the size of hub plus bonus.
Our hub division manager made $110,000 plus he was above the MIP level and received stock options. I have no idea how much that is. It's funny, but in TSG you have access to a lot of information that you should not have access to. :ohmy:

Just Some Guy

Our hub division manager made $110,000 plus he was above the MIP level and received stock options. I have no idea how much that is. It's funny, but in TSG you have access to a lot of information that you should not have access to. :ohmy:

you're pretty close on the manager pay and as beentheredonethat mentioned the perks aren't really perks at the manager level. in my mind the managers have the worst pay/work combination. they are on call 24x7 and they do get called 24x7, just ask their wives. division managers have it going on because their salary is a step above the center manager's salary and their workload is almost nothing (mostly because they're not really needed). if a division manager has bad results they just sell out one of their center managers. i'd say the company could stand some cost cutting at the division manager level.


Cost cutting at the Division manager level-----this is already happening in some districts.There will be only 5 or so Staff Level Positions----- 1 Operations Div Manager, Controller, Business Development (Director of Sales), IE Div Manager.

Also Center Managers will have more responsibility---multi-Centers and there will be more Sups and OMS folks---------the Center of the Future is an interesting concept and time will tell as to how it will play out!!


Active Member
Hi folks! New to the board and have general question about a management salary.

There is an opening where I am for a part-time pre-load supervisor. The grade is listed as 99. Can anyone tell me exactly how much this position could expect to be paid?

I appreciate anyone who can offer some info!

expect to work 27.5 hours a week and bring home a little over 500 every other week. christmas bonus (half months check at a higher tax rate) and expect to pay about 15-30 a pay period if you get insurance. also know if you want to drive, you have to wait for an outside hire potion, which i think is 6 to 1 ratio.
if you are in school it could be a good idea because they help with tuition reimbersment.