Warning Letters Late Air


Box Monkey
we used to have our air set outside so that the drivers could go thru it. We haven't done that in a long time though. Then theyy moved it to "1B" and now with PAS it is loaded in 1000.

I think if you are in a center that totes the air behind the truck and you have to go thru it, why would you then put it in the load per stop. Keep it all in the tote so it is easily acceptable and you will see it everytime that you open the bulkhead for your next stop. I understand keeping putting it in with the bulk stops since most people get rid of their bulk stops easily before 10:30/12:00, depending on your air commit time..


Well-Known Member
We are not on pass yet. But are told to go through our load also. If we would'nt get out the building so late maybe we could go through our load. But most time I'm delivering my last air at about 10:25.
Is the warning letter for delivering air late, or not working as directed, to look for airs prior to commit times?


Man of Great Wisdom
I just tell them late air, driver error. Honesty goes a long way. Mistakes happen when you leave later and have more work then ever and are allowed less time. How can they tell you to look through your load for air when they tell you you no longer need to look through your load due to PAS technology.


Well-Known Member
As long as you are not delivering grounds with your reds and you leave the building later than normal, I don't see how they can give you a warning letter. If however, your records show you were delivering grounds with reds from stop #1 and you send a message that you ran out of time on reds than I think you deserve a warning letter or at least a verbal warning.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yup!! same problem here. All you here in my building is "That's not mine" or "Not my area" It's all about me me me instead of us us us.. What happened to :) :) TEAMWORK:) :) ???????

We have a little of that here too. For the most part most people are cooperative though. Its one or two spoiled drivers that seem to get away with getting rid of air stops. I'll end up with their air sometimes and while I'm delivering it I'll see them next door delivering a ground bulk stop.


warning letter won't stick.
I'm on both PAS and EDD and Diad 4. Our Airs are loaded. I've found mine everywhere from the 5 to 8 thousand section.
Be diligent in reporting them to your On Road, make the call!, and deliver them when you find them. Remember, it's your customer who is your most important judge, not your on road.
Teamsters will stand behind you if you do your job and do it well,not those who abuse the simple, "oh i found it in my load" day after day week after week.
Just my two cents,