Brother in English please so we understand what you are trying to say.El partido de 10 CENTAVOS es cierto, jaja!!!
Brother in English please so we understand what you are trying to say.
I like tacos.He wants tacos
I like tacos.
Who are you talking to???Look RH is doing a terrific job and sanitation is just fine. Is the Local Union or my friend RH perfect of course not, I do not believe anybody is perfect. But you can get involved and you chose not to be part of bettering the Union, you rather sit behind a typing device and do anti union slandering. Have you thought for once that new members listen to your nonsense and take those anti-union rants with them. That does not do our great union any good. Currently Donald "antiunion" Trump is assigning new members to the NLRB that are right wing antiunion chumps, he is also passing laws that cripple our unions not only the Teamsters but all Labor Unions in this country. We have enough fighting with the government that keeps on trying to push agendas to hurt us the workers and our families. On another note you calling me after your combo job is a dead give away its you.
You have had an agenda since Team LOU lost election and you cannot let go. I have always been friends with RH but I also had a very good relationship with LA but he moved on and RH has done a great job since taking over in running this Local. Please join the fight and help us make things better, just nagging and bitching and down talking of your Teamsters Union it is not healthy for our future and the future of our members. I repeat myself and will continue to repeat myself, Trump is shooting at us and he is aiming at our heads, my point is he is not trying to hurt us he is going in for the kill. Right to Work laws and other BS he is trying to do to all Labor Unions to weaken us and try to send us into extinction. You might as well wear a Trump hat and a shirt that says I'm with Trump in diving and dismantling Labor Unions in the United States.
Think of it in these terms, it's like when you hear at election "every vote counts", or "if you take a penny from a dollar its no longer a dollar", well every little negative comment about the Teamsters Union that our members hear and worst when a new members hear your Union slamming rants you slowly chip away at the values of what our great Union or any good Labor Union represents and stands for. For this I will beg you to use your head and stop the anti union bashing join us in the fight better and help us make things better for other workers. I cannot complain as UPS feeder driver it pays me very well and I have been able to raise a family and put my daughter through college but that comes through the Union fighting for us and negotiating great contracts, Look OWL I have had my differences with RH "Metro" but I have never gone off and starting bashing the organization that has provided a good contract. Im proud of my daughter as she has graduated and is pursuing her career now. I dropped out of school in the middle of my senior year because I needed to get a job when my now wife got pregnant, I'm not afraid to say it but somebody like me with no college education has done pretty well for myself.
UPS is always hiring, I will say this about the friend/T jobs it takes a long time to land a good fulltime job but if sanitation workers are not happy with where they work they can apply at UPS or many other companies out there nobody is holding them hostage. STOP BASHING THE TEAMSTERS this is a losing strategy for the TEAMSTERS and the members of the greatest Labor Union in this country.
I'm sorry, we couldn't hear you due to a group of Teamsters singing chorus after chorus of Kumbaya.To you Bubblehead and to everyone who is listening.
TDU never parts with the cash. The create catalyst for the campaign. It's basically a "sky is falling" ideology. And for this service (if you win) you owe them. Big time! It's like selling your soul to the devil. 30k a year as a starting point. Plus you must attend the TDU conventions in which you are strong armed into personal donations even after paying for the event. But you get something for that money, you get free information that is readily available from the IBT.So supervisor SZ said he is running with GC and they have money from TDU to help his campaign. I just hope that SZ is not handed a large amount of money from TDU as he might recklessly spend it. He has some reckless spending habits. Our Local's treasury should not be in he hands of SZ or GC.
If TDU would develop a database with past and present panel decisions with interps and arbitration decisions, for each state, region, and nationally, I would join.TDU never parts with the cash. The create catalyst for the campaign. It's basically a "sky is falling" ideology. And for this service (if you win) you owe them. Big time! It's like selling your soul to the devil. 30k a year as a starting point. Plus you must attend the TDU conventions in which you are strong armed into personal donations even after paying for the event. But you get something for that money, you get free information that is readily available from the IBT.
Look RH is doing a terrific job and sanitation is just fine. Is the Local Union or my friend RH perfect of course not, I do not believe anybody is perfect. But you can get involved and you chose not to be part of bettering the Union, you rather sit behind a typing device and do anti union slandering. Have you thought for once that new members listen to your nonsense and take those anti-union rants with them. That does not do our great union any good. Currently Donald "antiunion" Trump is assigning new members to the NLRB that are right wing antiunion chumps, he is also passing laws that cripple our unions not only the Teamsters but all Labor Unions in this country. We have enough fighting with the government that keeps on trying to push agendas to hurt us the workers and our families. On another note you calling me after your combo job is a dead give away its you.
You have had an agenda since Team LOU lost election and you cannot let go. I have always been friends with RH but I also had a very good relationship with LA but he moved on and RH has done a great job since taking over in running this Local. Please join the fight and help us make things better, just nagging and bitching and down talking of your Teamsters Union it is not healthy for our future and the future of our members. I repeat myself and will continue to repeat myself, Trump is shooting at us and he is aiming at our heads, my point is he is not trying to hurt us he is going in for the kill. Right to Work laws and other BS he is trying to do to all Labor Unions to weaken us and try to send us into extinction. You might as well wear a Trump hat and a shirt that says I'm with Trump in diving and dismantling Labor Unions in the United States.
Think of it in these terms, it's like when you hear at election "every vote counts", or "if you take a penny from a dollar its no longer a dollar", well every little negative comment about the Teamsters Union that our members hear and worst when a new members hear your Union slamming rants you slowly chip away at the values of what our great Union or any good Labor Union represents and stands for. For this I will beg you to use your head and stop the anti union bashing join us in the fight better and help us make things better for other workers. I cannot complain as UPS feeder driver it pays me very well and I have been able to raise a family and put my daughter through college but that comes through the Union fighting for us and negotiating great contracts, Look OWL I have had my differences with RH "Metro" but I have never gone off and starting bashing the organization that has provided a good contract. Im proud of my daughter as she has graduated and is pursuing her career now. I dropped out of school in the middle of my senior year because I needed to get a job when my now wife got pregnant, I'm not afraid to say it but somebody like me with no college education has done pretty well for myself.
UPS is always hiring, I will say this about the friend/T jobs it takes a long time to land a good fulltime job but if sanitation workers are not happy with where they work they can apply at UPS or many other companies out there nobody is holding them hostage. STOP BASHING THE TEAMSTERS this is a losing strategy for the TEAMSTERS and the members of the greatest Labor Union in this country.
@burrheadd at least he didn't post it like this!!Wow, cant believe its been 3 years ago we had 396 morons like Union396 act like a fool and went into hibernation which is great because he looked so bad representing and now we have a new breed of fungi growing in the our local like Sold. We have been busy preparing and organizing to make change for our local and let this person Sold run his mouth while making a fool of himself.
Sold, you have multiple personalities that are puzzling and I'm wondering where are you coming from. Lack of meds or did you run into wall and were left brain damage? The name Sold, i guess fits you. Sold your soul, sold out your members and sold out your Teamsters. The funny part is that you have yet to notice is that Ron H Sold you out and don't forget that Jay P did it too. I think i'm just going to call you Sibil, first your angry and you expressed that then you were unsure of yourself that you had to consult to the Minions of local office then you expressed regret when you begged LC to stop. Do you need a hug?
SZ is not affiliate of TDU nor does he condone them and is Not, I repeat IS Not being supported by the Association. Does he have followers who will vote for his Slate, Yes. And if you know anything, Rich G is promoting that TDU is supporting him and his Slate but as we all know he says Lots of thing we all are unsure about him but that's another topic we can discuss later. Now does he have Hoffa supporters vote, Yes. Does he have Teamster united supporters Yes. Does he have just plain Local 396 supporters, Yes. They ALL want change in this local and Will Vote For Change.
As for the Pension, he is a advocate of fighting anyone who wants to alter in any way our Western Pension plan. He told Ron H and his Minions how he felt the local and IBT screwed the members from Pensions to healthcare 3 years ago. Heoff people who follow Teamsters United in 396 because he questioned Fred Z regarding our Western Pension and Fred would not answer his questions. So the they claimed is for Hoffa then, which he is Not because the current administration has put the West in situation with mistrust toward them.
Lets educate you today and everyone here on who really wants to know who is Ron H and Jay P. Sold can you please take your seat before i send you to the principles office and please No running, you might run into something. As the anniversary of the 20 years ago strike we are going to bring back some facts of Brother Jay P then we will move on to Brother Ron H.In 1997, while UPS employees were on strike through out the country trying to protect what was their future and sacrificing themselves for their cause, where was Jay P? Not on the strike lines, more like pist off because the Teamsters went on strike. While SZ was on the lines not only at San Gab where he worked but marched with his fellow Teamsters to all the buildings that needed support. San Fernando, Olympic, Bay Center, Cerritos and where was Jay P? MIA, this is your President SOLD and EVERYONE here to spread this info through the nation of this COWARD. SZ had a child on August 6 while on Strike and you know what his wife said to him. That she understood why he was out there because the company at that time told they were not going to cover the expense. He went back to the strike lines the DAY after his child was born, Where was Jay P?After the Strike was over Jay P was sooff at Teamsters that he worked off the clock before his start time and when confronted by another member to stop working before his start time as a driver, he yelled at him of being harassed. He went as far crying like a weasel to management and they sent pressure to that member to the point that he transferred to local 63 in Ontario Ca. This is your President of local 396. He educated himself at the companies expense because the company had programs then to help the employees. Great, applaud him, but his intentions to further his career with company. He applied multiple times to be hired as management, only because of his rejections from the company he turned to the local. SZ never applied for management nor had intention to do so while working as an Hourly dispatcher and Jay P did. Really SOLD, who is the real traitor. The Weasel of your President Jay P and we know how you and him are good friends. This is only a piece of History of who this Man really is, so the next anyone sees him maybe you'll understand why he is not respected. Stay tuned for more on the Weasel from 396.
During that same time during 1997 Strike ask yourself where was Ron H? On the grass in Cerritos doing diddly squat. Was he organizing on the strike, No. He wasnt seen at any buildings for that matter, No. Was he strike Captain, No. He was so weak that he had to ride the shoulders of Bill H and Danny B and you all know what he did to them. Where were these so called leaders at?
Tomorrow, we will go more in depth with Ron H. Stay tune to hear the Rise and Fall of Ron H.