Wasted opportunity at L-396 to defeat Ron "the $1 Pension Man" H!!!

Tom Brown

Active Member
Well it looks like SZ's campaign has already become desperate enough to plunge to the depths of using 20 year old gossip, lies, half-truths and innuendos.

SZ says he is qualified to be Secretary Treasurer of Local 396. Yet he has never been elected steward in any domicile he has worked at, he has never represented a member in a grievance, never negotiated a contract or sat on a bargaining committee. He does not attend Local 396 General Membership meetings, events, seminars, strike lines or rallies. He does not precinct walk or help pro labor politicians.

SZ's co-workers in Feeder have such little regard for him that his handle is "Supervisor Sal." He used his position as a Feeder Dispatcher to dispatch himself with extra work in violation of Local 396 rules. He called regularly called subcontractors to move bargaining unit work.

Last week he brokered a deal to work through his vacation, a closed out week, in violation of our collective bargaining agreement. A move that was stopped by Local 396 Stewards.

He claims he is not TDU yet four people who were at his poorly attended meeting(14) brought back pics of Non-Teamsters Local 396 member and TDU organizer BU running his meeting while SZ sat on the sidelines. BU even designed the theme of the slate.

C'mon SZ get out from behind the computer and start campaigning at the yards so you can see how remarkably unknown and disliked you are. You have the nerve to call someone a coward while you hide behind a computer? Grow a set and bring it on face to face campaigning at the yards. You're going to find out it isn't that easy out there with real members.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
If TDU would develop a database with past and present panel decisions with interps and arbitration decisions, for each state, region, and nationally, I would join.

That's free information that isn't readily available from the IBT, but should be.


Well-Known Member
If TDU would develop a database with past and present panel decisions with interps and arbitration decisions, for each state, region, and nationally, I would join.

That's free information that isn't readily available from the IBT, but should be.
The IBT shouldn't have to. Your local should give it to you the get emailed from the state, jac and national panels.


Got the T-Shirt
If TDU would develop a database with past and present panel decisions with interps and arbitration decisions, for each state, region, and nationally, I would join.

How would TDU do that ?

And this, is what it would look like.


They are struggling.... to police their own goofballs.


Hofficer Hater

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like SZ's campaign has already become desperate enough to plunge to the depths of using 20 year old gossip, lies, half-truths and innuendos.

SZ says he is qualified to be Secretary Treasurer of Local 396. Yet he has never been elected steward in any domicile he has worked at, he has never represented a member in a grievance, never negotiated a contract or sat on a bargaining committee. He does not attend Local 396 General Membership meetings, events, seminars, strike lines or rallies. He does not precinct walk or help pro labor politicians.

SZ's co-workers in Feeder have such little regard for him that his handle is "Supervisor Sal." He used his position as a Feeder Dispatcher to dispatch himself with extra work in violation of Local 396 rules. He called regularly called subcontractors to move bargaining unit work.

Last week he brokered a deal to work through his vacation, a closed out week, in violation of our collective bargaining agreement. A move that was stopped by Local 396 Stewards.

He claims he is not TDU yet four people who were at his poorly attended meeting(14) brought back pics of Non-Teamsters Local 396 member and TDU organizer BU running his meeting while SZ sat on the sidelines. BU even designed the theme of the slate.

C'mon SZ get out from behind the computer and start campaigning at the yards so you can see how remarkably unknown and disliked you are. You have the nerve to call someone a coward while you hide behind a computer? Grow a set and bring it on face to face campaigning at the yards. You're going to find out it isn't that easy out there with real members.

Attempting to violate the contract and work your vacation is being a sleezeball, but the fact that the Western Region VP is sending spies to opposition meetings is equally low. I find it funny RH is stressed out about this election. That piece of garbage carve out and the pension diversion caused that local to go Teamsters United in the last General election. Let's not forget the .10 Cent pension increases the sanitation guys get. I hear they detest RH and his worthless Spanish, haha!

Tom Brown

Active Member
Who sad anything about spies? Members were invited to SZ' s meeting and members were disappointed in the meeting and told others. It's a simple as that. Not everything is a conspiracy.

We enjoy good health care out here in the west. For example, a member I worked with had a hospital bill that was over $30,000 and it only cost him $100. We are doing just fine.

Our sanitation members have overwhelmingly approved their agreements by upwards of 92% this year. When offered the opportunity to put more money in pension they voted to put that money in wages.


Active Member
Well it looks like SZ's campaign has already become desperate enough to plunge to the depths of using 20 year old gossip, lies, half-truths and innuendos.

SZ says he is qualified to be Secretary Treasurer of Local 396. Yet he has never been elected steward in any domicile he has worked at, he has never represented a member in a grievance, never negotiated a contract or sat on a bargaining committee. He does not attend Local 396 General Membership meetings, events, seminars, strike lines or rallies. He does not precinct walk or help pro labor politicians.

SZ's co-workers in Feeder have such little regard for him that his handle is "Supervisor Sal." He used his position as a Feeder Dispatcher to dispatch himself with extra work in violation of Local 396 rules. He called regularly called subcontractors to move bargaining unit work.

Last week he brokered a deal to work through his vacation, a closed out week, in violation of our collective bargaining agreement. A move that was stopped by Local 396 Stewards.

He claims he is not TDU yet four people who were at his poorly attended meeting(14) brought back pics of Non-Teamsters Local 396 member and TDU organizer BU running his meeting while SZ sat on the sidelines. BU even designed the theme of the slate.

C'mon SZ get out from behind the computer and start campaigning at the yards so you can see how remarkably unknown and disliked you are. You have the nerve to call someone a coward while you hide behind a computer? Grow a set and bring it on face to face campaigning at the yards. You're going to find out it isn't that easy out there with real members.
Who sad anything about spies? Members were invited to SZ' s meeting and members were disappointed in the meeting and told others. It's a simple as that. Not everything is a conspiracy.

We enjoy good health care out here in the west. For example, a member I worked with had a hospital bill that was over $30,000 and it only cost him $100. We are doing just fine.

Our sanitation members have overwhelmingly approved their agreements by upwards of 92% this year. When offered the opportunity to put more money in pension they voted to put that money in wages.
you are lying we got 80c raise in wages sanitation trusted Mr.10c and again we were betrayed. WARE DISPOSAL got 75c not even a dollar combine.And dont forget than in this new contract sanitation company are allowed to use cameras and gps to discipline our members you are a lair just like MR.10c



TRuth HuRts
Well it looks like SZ's campaign has already become desperate enough to plunge to the depths of using 20 year old gossip, lies, half-truths and innuendos.

SZ says he is qualified to be Secretary Treasurer of Local 396. Yet he has never been elected steward in any domicile he has worked at, he has never represented a member in a grievance, never negotiated a contract or sat on a bargaining committee. He does not attend Local 396 General Membership meetings, events, seminars, strike lines or rallies. He does not precinct walk or help pro labor politicians.

SZ's co-workers in Feeder have such little regard for him that his handle is "Supervisor Sal." He used his position as a Feeder Dispatcher to dispatch himself with extra work in violation of Local 396 rules. He called regularly called subcontractors to move bargaining unit work.

Last week he brokered a deal to work through his vacation, a closed out week, in violation of our collective bargaining agreement. A move that was stopped by Local 396 Stewards.

He claims he is not TDU yet four people who were at his poorly attended meeting(14) brought back pics of Non-Teamsters Local 396 member and TDU organizer BU running his meeting while SZ sat on the sidelines. BU even designed the theme of the slate.

C'mon SZ get out from behind the computer and start campaigning at the yards so you can see how remarkably unknown and disliked you are. You have the nerve to call someone a coward while you hide behind a computer? Grow a set and bring it on face to face campaigning at the yards. You're going to find out it isn't that easy out there with real members.

I guess Sold went into hibernation or cried to Papi, What it's No problem letting him run his mouth loosely with tons of lies but the moment the truth hits a nerve, Papi comes out to trying to save his minion? You really don't know what happened during SZ tenure as a Hourly Dispatcher do you? Jay P or Ron H never rarely visited him while at San Fernando or when he was a Main St. So to begin this, answer these questions so that we see say the truth or lie again.

Was Jay P a steward prior to working for the local? No
Did Jay P represent any member in a grievance prior to working for the local? No
Did Jay P ever negotiated any contract prior to working for the local? No
Did Jay P ever go to the membership meetings, events, seminars, strike lines or rallies prior to working for the local? No
Did Jay P ever created permanent Teamster jobs prior working for the local? No

So in a nutshell what did Jay P ever do for the membership prior to working for the local?
We are not here to go tick for tack on the page, we are asking to stop the bs with these idiots that get on and run their mouths with lies. The problem is either you guys enjoy it, support it or cant control them. At any of those answers, it does not make the local look professional, credible or respectable. We will continue to speak the truth about past, present and future.

Let me educate about you so called Sup SZ. From 2003 thru 2011 the local never complained when he hand over so many Sub contracting Violations to your stewards Leroy L, Larry S, Larry B, Mike T and many more. They made tons of money on these grievances and Ron H told SZ he should have filed them but you want to know why he didn't? So no one can say he did it selfishly to keep the money. That money should have gone to drivers that should have pulled those loads. And you have the nerve to say He violated and called sub-contractors to outsource them before Union workers. You are so full it and filled with Bs from your clan to attempt to degrade him again for your pleasure and agenda. Ask Percy M, Mike T and Bill H if he were alive and see how many grievances, arbitrations the local won because of him. He gave the inside scoop on how to read, understand slics, movements, changes of operations that were happening in Local 396 when Ron H just got into office. ITS ALL TRUE. He may have worked in the office as a Hourly but was true to his Local even when his Local Turn Their Backs On Him. Why turn on him when he was on the local side? Why Ron H didn't have the cojones to sit and talk to him? Why didn't he back him up to his group instead turn on him? Why did Jay P threaten him on Facebook 3 years ago with a group of clowns? He still has the photos to prove it so don't push it.

He accomplished creating Teamster Feeder jobs not only in Local 396 but also in Local 186 (call up there and see) and Local 986 (call up there and see too). Listed below.

San Luis Obispo 1
Santa Maria 1
Santa Barbara 2
Ventura 1
Newberry Park 3
San Fernando 13
Main St 7

What have you accomplished?

If you know your contract then you should know that during Peak they outsource work and the company has an agreement with LOCAL to do it. Its all by schedule but he followed directions, now prove to him his outsource work violating the collective bargaining agreement. If its true, show the grievance where he did it without just hear say, member saying he did.

Now getting someone fired, Get real. While working in there he would hear and was told of many employees being watched. He gave them a heads up all the time to prevent the discipline and even talked to the stewards so they be informed. Now has he seen some of his friends get terminated, Yes. In those cases he notified the BA for help find a solution and with his help getting back to the local, they got their job back. I applaud the local for doing so but understand, THAT is their job to fight for every Teamster REGARDLESS if the local dislikes, hates or wishes bad intentions on them. That's why the Executive board was voted in. Enforce the Contract, protect the membership and Negotiate a Great Contract.

Last but not least, brokered a deal to work his vacation? LOL, Now thats funny. Again you don't know the facts. Lets begin with the bargaining agreement that does not exist on paper, Verbal only. If a week is closed then the employee can not change his vacation. Now the week he wanted to RESCHEDULE, Not Work it due personal reasons was Not Closed at beginning and completion of the yearly work bid which was in March,2017. Of 13 spot, there was only 12 scheduled. In June wanted to reschedule August to October and to do the right thing, he attempted to reschedule it with his manager. Due working opposite hours, he finally got to talk his manager in mid July, now junior driver in July rescheduled the week before his August vacation moved it to his week which made the 13 spot. His manager changed for him understanding the situation even after he told her that if it was not possible he would make a big thing of it. Due to lack of the Local Not Putting on Paper we are left with many grey areas which can be misunderstood. Now a Driver who In Love with Jay P made a big stink but when it was brought to SZ attention from labor he decided to just take week off.
So the question is to Our Beloved Local 396, Where did SZ close the week that violated a drivers right to have that week and couldn't because SZ closed it? It was open at the end of the Yearly bid in March with 12 not 13.
Where is it written in Bargaining Agreement Book, Supplement or Local Feeder work rules says he Violated it? He wasn't working it, He was RESCHEDULING it.

So with that being said, We rest our case.


Tom Brown

Active Member
Poor Sal, sorry for picking on him. I agree Jay P is evil. I read your post and now I realize how wrong I am. Jay P is a lying bastard and I am going to the next General Membership meeting and tell him that after all those years I found out he was a bad guy on Brown Cafe...


Active Member
Time4Change or better known as supervisor SZ. I'm not quiet Mr. Supervisor just had a few things to attend but now I'm back and you have my whole little bit of attention. I find your long article nothing short of ridiculous and phony. You speak as if you know Supervisor Sal when in fact it's you SZ writing the article. So let me start with saying this,you mentioned a few friends of yours got fired when you supervised the Main St feeder dispatch. REALLY? How about being a little truthful and transparent for once, MF was fired because you turned in his timecards to management to be audited by the feeder manager, so was he stealing time of course he was, but you were the rat that turned him in. There is another member and I will leave his initials out of this post, but you know exactly who I'm talking about, he was incarcerated for domestic violence for striking his wife/girlfriend and he had somebody call UPS and call in sick for him, you had direct knowledge of this and you told your management friends the truth about what happened to him and his whereabout. Yeez. Now that is being a hypocrite wouldn't you say?

RH has told us in feeder that if anybody wants to debate him on the issues this upcoming election by all means he is ready and available. Now we will find out if RH has the "CAJONES" you claim he is lacking. Soon we will find out supervisor SZ who is missing a set of you know what as I can guarantee you it will not be RH who will be the no call/no show to a debate. You would never debate him that I can guarantee everyone reading this post.

Here is supervisor SZ with just the thought of a face to face debate with RH:backingout::helpsmili:no:. :panicsmiley:

This is what RH will do to you if you do show up :fishbashsmile: :winnersmiley:

Here is GC warning and saying "Supervisor SZ do not show up and debate RH" :dontgosmiley: "he will destroy you and humiliate your ass" :beafraid: :nervoussmiley: :spank:

Lastly, here we are the audience/members at the debate witnessing a brutal beat down of supervisor SZ as RH shows the members how incapable you are of being the principle officer of this Local Union. You need to know how to manage the finances of the treasury and I don't think I even need to convince you on this subject you know that you are not capable of handling money on your own. Your record should do all the talking on this particular subject. $$$ very tempting :money: :nono2: :oops:.

Also, you need to be calm and collected in all situations with our members, sometimes our members get angry or simply they could be having a bad day, and they could possibly take it out on you Mr. Supervisor and this is were you would be tested as some of our members are females. You hear lots and lots of rumors and sometimes you wonder are any of those rumors true? So then you go look and you go digging in archives and what do you know? there might be some truth after all to what I've been hearing. Look Mr. Supervisor I was not present so I cannot be sure that what I read in government archives/records is factual. Hey SZ people make false accusations all the time I'm sure there is a very logical explanation to everything I on those records.

There is plenty more to say. I'm just afraid that by now you know who I am and my lunch break is about over in a few minutes and if I don't get behind the wheel you just might have to do your supervising job and go tell my feeder manager that I was stealing time.

See you on the campaign trail.

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Tom Brown

Active Member
So, I chatted with my friends from Valley Center, JP was an elected shop steward at Valley Center, JP presented girevances to management, JP went to General Membership meetings prior to being elected, JP resolved numerous disputes in favor of members. While SZ was sitting doing nothing.


So, I chatted with my friends from Valley Center, JP was an elected shop steward at Valley Center, JP presented girevances to management, JP went to General Membership meetings prior to being elected, JP resolved numerous disputes in favor of members. While SZ was sitting doing nothing.

JPs the man


Active Member



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Tom Brown

Active Member
And bring in Bill U, who didn't even put sanitation workers in the pension when he worked for Local 396. LMFAO....

RH has won eight elections in a row now, he has never been defeated. His opponents are 0 and 8. While your pecking away on your keyboard, H and his guys are meeting with hundreds and hundreds of members every day. I'd invite Bill U to a meeting to debate Ron, but wait, he's not even a Teamster member, so he's not eligible to attend.... He's a Union Buster.