Watching Supervisors work


Well-Known Member

Tieguy has given me negative rep not once but twice. I have never ("never" is defined as "not ever") given ANYONE negative rep points.

Who is the better person.....Tieguy or Trick?
Draw your own conclusion.



Tieguy has given me negative rep not once but twice. I have never ("never" is defined as "not ever") given ANYONE negative rep points.

Who is the better person.....Tieguy or Trick?
Draw your own conclusion.

Good point trick. Reassurance is critical. The goons are told they are good people and that management is bad ..very bad. Perhaps it reinforces the need to boss the boss since the boss is very bad.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the big old boss sounds like he has a bug up his but! Go kick the dog if it makes you feel any better. I made light of the fact that you dissed my rep for supporting a fellow Teamster and calling me "Griff's stooge". Notice I didn't ask for any help, yet my Brothers and Sisters showed their solidarity by supporting me. This is what truely angers you doesn't it? You see the change and it scares the "old school" managers such as yourself. I've seen it up close and personal in my building. Ex division manager comes out into the parking lot one morning while a large group of us are having a rally about supervisor harrassment and has one of his supervisors take pictures of all of us. why? to try and scare, and intimidate all the younger bet. But just then did I debate him and made him look like a fool...building solidarity amongst my members. This is the new school Teamster that scares you, the one who holds both the company and Union accountable, the one who isn't just going to drink the coolaid. I'm luckey, I have great stewards and a young, active and knowledgeable b/a who have each others backs. Your "God complex" is transparent to the new school Teamster which is found everywhere in this thread, so keep up the good work:thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
Good point trick. Reassurance is critical. The goons are told they are good people and that management is bad ..very bad. Perhaps it reinforces the need to boss the boss since the boss is very bad.

I don't know that my "union goons" (your words, not mine) have ever told me or us that management is ".....bad....very bad". I do recall the "goons" telling me/us that, for the most part, management is/are good and are just trying to get through life/this job to retirement like the rest of us it's just that a few management at or near the top have this "us versus them" mentality that you seem to perpetuate and they exercise this power with great delight as it's no skin off their nose.


I don't know that my "union goons" (your words, not mine) have ever told me or us that management is ".....bad....very bad". I do recall the "goons" telling me/us that, for the most part, management is/are good and are just trying to get through life/this job to retirement like the rest of us it's just that a few management at or near the top have this "us versus them" mentality that you seem to perpetuate and they exercise this power with great delight as it's no skin off their nose.

Tsk tsk . we all know the goons would never tell you anything good about management. :happy-very:


Ah, the big old boss sounds like he has a bug up his but! Go kick the dog if it makes you feel any better. I made light of the fact that you dissed my rep for supporting a fellow Teamster and calling me "Griff's stooge". Notice I didn't ask for any help, yet my Brothers and Sisters showed their solidarity by supporting me. This is what truely angers you doesn't it? You see the change and it scares the "old school" managers such as yourself. I've seen it up close and personal in my building. Ex division manager comes out into the parking lot one morning while a large group of us are having a rally about supervisor harrassment and has one of his supervisors take pictures of all of us. why? to try and scare, and intimidate all the younger bet. But just then did I debate him and made him look like a fool...building solidarity amongst my members. This is the new school Teamster that scares you, the one who holds both the company and Union accountable, the one who isn't just going to drink the coolaid. I'm luckey, I have great stewards and a young, active and knowledgeable b/a who have each others backs. Your "God complex" is transparent to the new school Teamster which is found everywhere in this thread, so keep up the good work:thumbup1:

Excellent . I'm not sure if you are a certified goon yet but you produce some excellent material for one. Management took pictures. Good sounds bad even though you and I know management always takes pictures when there are demonstrations.. New school teamster scaring management. good job there.God complex and drinking the coolaid are a little overdone but may still work when brainwashing up and coming goons. You have some good marterial there luckey.
this is excellent rhetoric you have displayed here.


Well-Known Member
See how easy it is to be an arrogant nitwit and cast aspersions on people? I'll never turn in a sales lead, ever. Has nothing to do with not wanting to do someone else's job or anything like that, it's simple math and it doesn't work out in the drivers favor. I know too many people who have gotten robbed by UPS through the sales lead program when it comes to big accounts. It's tantamount to the bonus system, the dice are loaded, thanks but no thanks[unquote]

here is another quote by a teamster goon. Here he starts by bragging on how easy it is to spread misinformation. He then attacks the sales lead program alleging dishonesty with big accounts.All of this is part of the goons program of attacking anything and everything with the company. Again nothing to do with the contract . Everything to do with destroying the host.
So I can assume from your post that you are claiming that UPS has never been caught stealing from people in the sales lead program? Can I also take this post as you defending UPS's position that the company has never falsified a drivers timecard? Whether you personally have done these things is irrelevant. You seem to be one of these managers who believes in the old "hear no evil, see no evil" tactic. You are the first on this site to jump on the wagon about the Teamster's pension scandals and very quick to raise the integrity flag on everything. Are you actually going to sit here and say this doesn't happen? I suggest you take some time to think about your answer because it will tell me a lot about your integrity and character.

Who am I kidding, you won't respond to this post. You'll just dance around it and continue to throw "Teamster goon" infront of another ignorant paragraph of bad reverse psychology and endless circular logic. Really grasping at straws, aren't ya?

P.S. -- Stop playing the "I'm outnumbered" card. Plenty of managers and supervisors read this site on a daily basis. If they want to jump in and defend your mindless insight nobody is stopping them.
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Notice the posters frustration when the boss does not allow himself to be bossed. Notice the rude profanity displayed by him and others on this site when they are not able to boss the boss. This can be an expected response. These people have been brainwashed into believing they can control any management person just by using words like contract and grievance. When this does not happen they pout and revert to a more cruder version of unionism. We should all thank Griff for providing us with such a terriffic illustration of unionism at its worst.:bow:


Browncafe Steward
by the way I see your friends came running to the defense of your reputation . I particullarly want everyone to read "i do less works" comments which I found particularly insightfull. Cowardly comments said on the sidelines are often a trait displayed by the union goons.

Often along the way the union goon faces moments of crisis. Someone will actually challenge that persons belief system. A cry for help will come out as 773 did when he cried because I gave him negative reps. At this point its critical that other goons rush to his aid and reassure him before his brainwashing unravels. This may actually be the true meaning of soladarity. In this case I do less work reassured him that there was nothing wrong with him and that I was simply being a dick. This is a common form of support. These type of comments then soften up the potential goon for further brainwashing.
No one is coming to anyones defense, we as stewards and good ups teamsters have voiced our dislike for contract violations. As you can see here you are wrong, there are alot of other management posters on here and not one has posted let alone posted in agreement with you.

Ive got to go its 5am and time to go and boss the boss! Preload here i come.


No one is coming to anyones defense, we as stewards and good ups teamsters have voiced our dislike for contract violations. As you can see here you are wrong, there are alot of other management posters on here and not one has posted let alone posted in agreement with you.

Ive got to go its 5am and time to go and boss the boss! Preload here i come.

LOL. Whats to defend? Nothing is being attacked.


Well-Known Member
Griff I already know this. AS I previously stated a key component of the teamster goon mindset is to completely dissacosciate yourselves from any feelings of loyalty to the company. I thank you for finally admitting this point. Once you have completed the teamster goon mind transition its now easy to become the virus feasting on the host.

For the rest of you reading and learning about the teamster boss the boss training taking place. Notice Griff thinks he can get another job paying as much or more then he currently makes. We already know griff hates his job , his boss and his company. We already know that griff despite these feelings of hate is basically captive labor who would have left a long time ago if he had other better opportunities. Yet he is stuck here and hating his existence. Thus the call to arms. He will feed off his hate for his employment and miserable existence to harass and annoy the company in every way he can. He will disrupt the operation every chance he gets. He will encourage co-workers to do less work so that those workers don't make anyone else look bad. He will chastise good employees doing a good job and having good attitudes for being suck ups and company men. Thus the reference to the virus infecting the host.

Taking things to an extreme here?


I have been a Teamster for over 30 years and have never filed a grievance. I first try to do my job to the best of my ability, within the contract and if some one has an issue with me...Talk to me...I am human and will try to see it from both sides and maybe we can work it out. We all have a job to do to include our union, management and workers, but it is how we choose to handle the situation that can makes us a better team. I always try to make it a win-win situation.


Man of Great Wisdom
feeder53, you have the right idea. These guys try to nail the boss with every little thing and then wonder why they're written up for every late air, mis-delivery etc. Pick your battles, don't nit-pic your battles. BM


Well-Known Member
feeder53, you have the right idea. These guys try to nail the boss with every little thing and then wonder why they're written up for every late air, mis-delivery etc. Pick your battles, don't nit-pic your battles. BM

Right on. Although I defintly think Tieguy is rediculous at points, you definitly have to pick your battles. Everyone has a difficult job to do; from part-timers to livelyhoods.


Well-Known Member
feeder53, you have the right idea. These guys try to nail the boss with every little thing and then wonder why they're written up for every late air, mis-delivery etc. Pick your battles, don't nit-pic your battles. BM

Pick your battles? 30+ years of being the nice guy and never taking a stand doesn't sound like picking your battles, it sounds like running away from them. To be fair about it though maybe he has a great local and a stellar management squad, I highly doubt it though. At least be man enough to admit that you're scared of retaliation. That's all this boils down to really and you even admitted it.


Well-Known Member
Pick your battles? 30+ years of being the nice guy and never taking a stand doesn't sound like picking your battles, it sounds like running away from them. To be fair about it though maybe he has a great local and a stellar management squad, I highly doubt it though. At least be man enough to admit that you're scared of retaliation. That's all this boils down to really and you even admitted it.

Griff I don't know how long you've been around for, but it's always been this way. A few are extremists like yourself who simply use whatever you can to get at management no matter how or what. Then there are the opposite ends that completely bend over and take whatever management gives them because they get their vacations/days they wouldn't otherwise get, lienency, or preferred treatment.
Most of us are in the middle and prefer to pick battles. Griff, your views are valid, but they are not the majority and will never be....might as well accept that as clad and move on with it..


Well-Known Member
I don't need to know you the answer is always the same.someone wants to start some crap about the boss stealing from the union. The boss runs a business that allows you and me the opportunity to buy the wife a nice house to live in and allows us to afford the kids a great lifestyle. the only claim to fame for the union is that they claim they got you a lifestyle that you would not have without them. there is some truth to that point. there is also some truth to the point that ups pays their nonunion people well, allows them to accrue beni's and paid time off sooner then the union and allows them a better retirement then most teamster union employees have.

Yet the typical union goon thinks his job is to boss the boss when he should be killing himself to get sales leads so that the golden goose keeps producing the lifestyle he and his family have become accustomed to.

So keep playing your union games and when you get done choking the golden goose then walk up to hoffa and ask him if he has enough in the coffers to pay your mortgage.

You guys hate to hear this but you need to. Ups is paying for your house, your vacations and your kids braces not the union.

I owe my soul to the company store! BC (not Beaten Cows)


Well-Known Member
Griff, life isn't that difficult. It's only as hard as you make it. Have your blood pressure lately?


From the promised LAND
Tie, If I may give you an example?

I go into work, it is 8:15. I glance down the belt, and most part timers have already been told to leave. The sort is still spewing packages out on the belt, and there are boxes falling off the belt to the floor. There are two or three full time personel, trying to stack out the packages, but there is not enough help, so there are three part time sups stacking out and loading package cars. Of course, there are two drivers out there this AM that I will be in the office with later on.

Now, 8:50 rolls around and I go out to the package car and I can not see the car for the packages. I get to load anywhere from 30-90+ packages because my loader was told to go home at 8:15. I also have between 60-90 nex day airs to be delivered by 10:30 but I dont deliver my first one until I have driven the 35 miles to my route. So I load my package car, load all the air and O/70's, clean up the belts and leave the building at 9:20. Of course, I am told that we are not to have more than 8 hundredths AM time, show leave building at 8.55. This happens day after day.

Now, the preload looks really good. Its almost like the center gets a passing grade on preload paid day instead of packages delivered by commit time or excessive hours by the drivers.

Now, why would I stand by and allow this type of behavior to occur day after day without steping in and saying enough? While I do understand that it is better for you to meet your numbers goal than not, why allow the preload to shine to the trashing of the rest of the ops in the building?

When you send hourly personel home when their workday is not finished (work wise) and management does the hourly work, something needs to be done. This is not me trying to be a boss of any type, only standing against something that is wrong and without someone challenging the system, something that will continue.

So while I agree with your posts in regards to there being union goons, there are also management goons as well. Those that will do what ever it takes to meet those special numbers for their work group while sacrificing the quality they are to give the next custodian of the package.

So while I do agree, constantly looking for small issues is very anoying, a consistant pattern of abuse needs to be delt with.

Sincerely a former union "goon"
