We did it Boys!!! (Targay)

El Correcto

god is dead
So if a person agrees before death to have their dead body screwed, then by your logic, it's okay.

So if a woman presents herself to an animal and the animal chooses to do her, it's okay.

So according to your logic, a child cannot consent to sex with an adult, but it's okay for them to consent to have an adult chemically neuter them.

Leftist morals
Child cannot consent to sex with an adult; notice how you didn’t say so if an adult presents themselves to the child and the child chooses to do it that makes it okay.
Apply that logic to the animal one Cletus.

You people have definitely put more thoughts into screwing dead bodies than me, so good for you I guess? I’d still say no because just because someone consents yesterday doesn’t mean the consent still stands the next day.
Just because your ex consented to you before doesn’t mean you can just show up and claim it when you want. Consent is a constant thing and at any moment that party needs to be able to withdraw it for it to remain consensual.

Yes I believe children should have a voice on their healthcare and believe parents should take their children’s mental and physical well being to heart and love them regardless of their gender identity or sexuality.


Inordinately Right
I did think, you’re the one that rationalized this bizarre hypotheticals of consent for animals and dead bodies. I just corrected you on consent. Glad you didn’t have to find out the hard way.

I'm not the one who uses consent as a virtue for gauging morality, you are.

I simply pointed out why you're wrong for viewing things in that way, and I used your own logic to do it.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
However you identify, anime, hentai, and manga all have highly violent and pornographic elements which include frequent and graphic homosexuality. Where's your outrage? Millions of kids read it or watch it all the time and your side is freaking out over Pride clothing, books etc. It's not a straw man argument when you're having a fit over Target when the local Barnes and Noble has stuff that would give many "non-liberals" a stroke.
Didn't read a god damn thing I said.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
That’s a nonsense argument. Dead bodies, animals and children can’t consent. Consensual relationships between gays is not an issue.

But I thought people are “born that way?” So if someone is born with the natural instinct to have sex with an animal, child or dead body how can you punish them for how god made them?
I heard a really strange statement the other day from a gay guy that was at a gay gathering. He said that his will was to spread gayness to all and ”turn” every straight man gay. First thing that came to my head was does he not know you don’t turn people gay, because we have been assured they are born that way? Seems like this gay man doesn’t even believe the :censored2: the gay community is pushing.

El Correcto

god is dead
But I thought people are “born that way?” So if someone is born with the natural instinct to have sex with an animal, child or dead body how can you punish them for how god made them?
I heard a really strange statement the other day from a gay guy that was at a gay gathering. He said that his will was to spread gayness to all and ”turn” every straight man gay. First thing that came to my head was does he not know you don’t turn people gay, because we have been assured they are born that way? Seems like this gay man doesn’t even believe the :censored2: the gay community is pushing.
There is no evidence people are born gay, so what?
If someone is born with a natural inclination for rape why don’t we allow them to rape?
Why don’t you sit there and ponder that for yourself a bit.

My gayness turns you all gay with these delusional gay hypotheticals I have to read so maybe that gay man was onto something. I’ve never seen so many people trying to argue for screwing animals and dead bodies before.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
There is no evidence people are born gay, so what?
If someone is born with a natural inclination for rape why don’t we allow them to rape?
Why don’t you sit there and ponder that for yourself a bit.

My gayness turns you all gay with these delusional gay hypotheticals I have to read so maybe that gay man was onto something. I’ve never seen so many people trying to argue for screwing animals and dead bodies before.
You and I seem to agree that we do not think people are “born that way” so we agree that what a person does sexually is because of their desires and wants. So therefore we agree anyone raping, molesting or necrophilia should be punished. My question to you is why does the gay community overwhelmingly say people are born that way?

El Correcto

god is dead
You and I seem to agree that we do not think people are “born that way” so we agree that what a person does sexually is because of their desires and wants. So therefore we agree anyone raping, molesting or necrophilia should be punished. My question to you is why does the gay community overwhelmingly say people are born that way?
That’s not why I agree with you. I don’t care if a rapist, necro or child molester is born that. It doesn’t matter one bit wether or not they are, it’s still not consenting sex, it doesn’t meet the bare minimum requirements for being morally acceptable sexual behavior.

No clue, maybe it’s a belief they firmly hold like your religious ones, maybe it was a successful effort to normalize being gay is a society that discriminated against them horribly.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
No clue, maybe it’s a belief they firmly hold like your religious ones.

Can you explain to me what my religious belief is? As far as I know I have no religious belief. I have even come under criticism for posting my proof to why I believe the Bible to be nothing but a man made book to keep people in line. Seems when a person has any morals they are then assumed to be religious. It’s almost as strange as when I say I don’t believe the Bible that people think I have to be an atheist that believes I came from a tadpole.
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