in 28 yrs at ups ive never seen racism, i have seen reverse,,,horrible blatant reverse, to overcompensate for future threats, but never true racism
As a steward who has to have off the record conversations sometimes I can say it truly exists. 99% of us has a little racist in us. The older we are the more we have been brought up with it or have seen it. In my opinion it's a character flaw that needs to be fixed everyday of your life. I don't condem people who have thisin 28 yrs at ups ive never seen racism, i have seen reverse,,,horrible blatant reverse, to overcompensate for future threats, but never true racism
Just curious, what is the demographic breakdown of the employees, both mgt and hourly, in your center?
the current hot commodity is females in operations, after that is blacks, disproportionate to the number of blacks and female hourly, i guess i have on rose colored glasses , everyone is treated like garbage at ups
Just curious, what is the demographic breakdown of the employees, both mgt and hourly, in your center?
As a steward who has to have off the record conversations sometimes I can say it truly exists. 99% of us has a little racist in us. The older we are the more we have been brought up with it or have seen it. In my opinion it's a character flaw that needs to be fixed everyday of your life. I don't condem people who have this
flaw I just hope they can see it in there heart to evolve.
Black people see discrimination everywhere cause they look for it everywhere. I'm not racist but there is prob twice as much "reverse" discrimination in this country as there is actual discrimination. Worry about doing your job and your job alone. Sounds like ups in general to me they harrass EVERYONE your not special.
There are 3 African American's who work on our boxline. 2 on the south side (myself included) and one on the north side. Whenever full-time management (mostly white, with the exception of one new sup) comes around to yell "work faster" it's always to one of the three of us. Whenever we have PCM's in the morning it's targeted directly towards the two of us on the backside about how we need to get off the clock and wrap up quicker, even though between the two of us we see close to 2,500 a day, and yet they only schedule us 8 hours between the two.
I have been there a year, my fellow African American co-worker has been there for twelve. The co-worker I was referring to as white (which some saw as horrible blatant reverse racism) has his tenth anniversary coming up soon. And another situation occurred today. While I was helping my fellow co-worker (Caucasian ) wrap up one of his bulk trucks. The co-worker who get's preferential treatment was riding around on the fork-lift stacking pallets 3 - 5 at a time. (Very unnecessary especially considering he's a pre-loader and not a fork-lift driver.) My full-time supervisor (white) came around to me and was yelling at me to "speed up" and "get off her clock." Apparently an area with 1,400 pieces doesn't require 5 hours to load, yet it wasn't until I voiced my concern in a not so polite tone that she finally said something about his one pallet fork-lift driving stacking method. Even still, he remained on the clock another fifteen minutes while she reiterated the point of "adjusting our time" as we clocked out so that one employee wouldn't get overtime.
We call them "gangsta shorts" up here as they go down to your knees.
You must work in the Disney center. I'm white, my best friend at UPS, hell my best friend on earth, is black and I've seen and heard rascism for thirty years. Gutless comments made when the black guy walks out of the lunchroom, stupid rascist jokes that you'd never tell your mother. And it goes both ways, the black guys talk s&#t behind backs too. It really is just ignorance and a huge waste of opportunities for friendships. But to your point Bonhamga, UPS pretty much treats everyone lousy. Management isn't at work to be your friend, they have a job and it is to get the most out of everyone for the lowest cost, regardless of 28 yrs at ups ive never seen racism, i have seen reverse,,,horrible blatant reverse, to overcompensate for future threats, but never true racism
Were any of you three born in Africa and then subsequently moved to the United States? Because if not, you are not African American, you are black.
All white people are generalized as White, and blacks are African American? Please.
whites should be Italian americans, Irish Americans, Polish Americans if you want the (in my mind RIDICULOUS) term African American to mean anything other than some Politically Correct BS
All I get out of the OP's post is that he(she) feels that he(she) is being pressured because they are black.
That's just a cop out.UPS hates everyone all the same,The Sups are hated when they can't handle the work,
The crap rolls downhill.I may be wrong,but I sense an overall distrust by the OP,stemming from what seems to be
preferential treatment to white folk.If I am wrong,and there are racist sups,then they should be discharged.
Use your union benefit and speak with an attorney.When document exist that only the three african american's on our boxline have had load quality audits and write ups in the past 4 months, it's hard to say it's just a cop out to naturally suggest racist behavior. I would love to be wrong, honestly. I would love to just be treated equally like crap by my employer. Instead, myself and my fellow African American co-workers are singled out.
Another documentation... Headphones aren't supposed to be worn by pre-loaders. Yet, one of my African American co-workers was written up for having his head-phones in while two fellow white co-workers wear headphones everyday (still) without a single mention of it by any friend/t sup. They even wear them during the PCM's.
When document exist that only the three african american's on our boxline have had load quality audits and write ups in the past 4 months, it's hard to say it's just a cop out to naturally suggest racist behavior. I would love to be wrong, honestly. I would love to just be treated equally like crap by my employer. Instead, myself and my fellow African American co-workers are singled out.
Another documentation... Headphones aren't supposed to be worn by pre-loaders. Yet, one of my African American co-workers was written up for having his head-phones in while two fellow white co-workers wear headphones everyday (still) without a single mention of it by any friend/t sup. They even wear them during the PCM's.
Who's this "we"? None of that ever happened to you.Are you outside of your left mind? All AFRICAN AMERICANS were put on ships and brought to the "New World" against our will. We didn't get to write journals like Columbus or drink beer and socialize with maidens on our cruise. We were chained, shackled and forced to work for nothing for over 400 years. Whites, or as you like to classify them as "Italian, Irish, and Polish Americans" chose to come to the America's and subsequently killed every person that didn't have their complexion. Don't believe me go ask your NATIVE AMERICAN friend... Oh wait, they're dead.
Fact of the matter is, whites came to the America's, then claimed they found the land (which just so happened to already be "found" by an entire race of peoples (Native American's ((If you remember who they were))) and killed everyone in sight because they had been instructed to do so through some b.s. they called manifest destiny. Whites decided to implement these politically correct terms. Perhaps for guilt?
The depth of racism never ceases to amaze me.
[/QUOTE]You mention that you work "in the South" so I am going to guess that you are in a Right To Work state with little or no union involvement among the part-time workforce. That is where the problem stems from.