This sounds like a strong argument against unions. You seem to be saying that union representatives are inherently unfair and unethical and knowingly break the law all the time. If you're trying to convince anyone that unions are great, then this is a terrible way to start your post.
Quite the contrary, and that's a heck of lot of inferences you came up with. I can't go into the details of this members particular case, but suffice to say if you just looked at the surface you would probably not support this member. I had personal knowledge that others were not privy to and he was able to refute the Company's case with facts. There is obviously a lot more to the story, but for an employee not in a Union it's pretty much "there's the door" and no opportunity for a hearing other than an expensive lawsuit most can't afford.
Like I said...
You asked what was different and I laid it out for you candidly. I guess we've pretty much exposed your agenda and you did not come here with an open mind as you thinly disguised at the start of this discourse.
If closed shops were made legal, (making it legal to fire or not hire non-union members), then you must also make it legal to fire people for joining a union. Turnabout is fair play.
I disagree. A closed shop is fair for the people who fought for the representation at their workplace. Workers should be free to unionize without employer interference. In fact, if employers were smart they would never have to resort to draconian tactics to avoid unions because they would simply offer a better deal. Read Confessions of a Union Buster for another perspective on this.
I've done a lot of research. Also, I've tried to be even-handed in my questions. However, as many have expected, I generally don't like unions. I'm open to the idea that some unions may be good. However, from what I've read and heard, there are many unions I strongly oppose (UAW, NEA, AFT, for example). Most of what I know about the UPS union I've learned from this thread.
Well it was fairly apparent you had an agenda but you have been very polite about it. I think you are venturing into trolling territory now, please prove me wrong. I don't think you are open at all to the idea that Unions are good. A lot of what people think they don't like about UAW, et. al. is shaped by what they've absorbed from the media and their parents. I had a generally unfavorable opinion of Unions based completely on my own ignorance when i started at UPS and it took a few years and some maturing to figure it all out. It pretty much boils down to understanding that the good wages, benefits, and contract we enjoy here at UPS were not gifts from our Employer. These were fought for, tooth and nail, over 100 years. To just walk in and say "Oh I'll take all the fruits of their struggle but you guys can count me out in that whole Union thing" just boggles my mind now especially when I've learned more facts about Unions in America.
If you think that all of this would come without the Union, just ask any Fedex driver how their wage and benefit package compares. I did that when I first became a package driver and I was shocked that a Fedex driver who had been on the job 17 years (I was in my 6th year) was making over $3 an hour less than I and I wasn't at Top Rate yet. So take a look at who is telling you Union's are bad and I guarantee they don't represent the workers best interest.
I love hearing one of these RTW proponents argue that people should negotiate their own wage/benefit package. That rarely works for the majority of people. I just tell anyone to go in to their boss, demand $90k a year, full paid benefits, 7 weeks vacation, sick pay, 401k, and a generous pension then see what happens./COLOR]
I would only buy a house with an HOA if I was forced to.