Browncafe Steward
Absolutely a cover driver with seniority has the right to pick a route over a junior cover driver. We got sick of filing these grievances and winning them including difference in paid days that we changed the language in this last contract.He doesen't get to pick his route because it can change daily. Can you imagine a center that has say 20 cover drivers and each day that come in and pick what route they want that day. Need I say more.
One way cover drivers get off routes they don't like is by taking to long on them and than management knows not to put them on that route anymore.
Complaining about what route your doing isn't worth it. It could turn out to be alot more trouble than it's worth. Management could say fine and then cut his route.
Swing and coverage drivers shall bid from a weekly center bid list which will be posted the week prior. Swing and coverage drivers
may elect to cover a weekly bid or cover daily vacancies. If a swing driver or coverage driver elects to bid daily coverage work,
he/she shall not bump a driver bidding on weekly coverage work. Weekly coverage is defined as those areas open for the entire
week.may elect to cover a weekly bid or cover daily vacancies. If a swing driver or coverage driver elects to bid daily coverage work,
he/she shall not bump a driver bidding on weekly coverage work. Weekly coverage is defined as those areas open for the entire