What will happen to the express Drivers....


Well-Known Member
What's funny is out where im located west coast ramp, a few drivers are worried as am I, but what amazes me is the amount of people that are in denial and actually attacking fellow coworkers for bringing any of this up as being negative, I swear its like fedex is a cult anymore...


Well-Known Member
Yes the drivers many of us are being let go at the end of May. The independent contractors at ground are delivering the packages from then on for the most part. Every few days we are getting word of another station being consolidated.
So you’re saying express drivers are being laid off and contractors from now on will be running the show and delivering everything? You have any idea how many express drivers there are in the country mate?


Well-Known Member
Yes the drivers many of us are being let go at the end of May. The independent contractors at ground are delivering the packages from then on for the most part. Every few days we are getting word of another station being consolidated.
I thought I read ground was being merged into express, not the other way around, implying most couriers would be company employees. Express are the drivers more likely to give a crap, the whole bleed purple loyalty thing. I think it would be a horrible pr move and image to eliminate that. They will be nothing like UPS. Gambling the company on contracts and street hires doesn't make sense.


Well-Known Member
I thought I read ground was being merged into express, not the other way around, implying most couriers would be company employees. Express are the drivers more likely to give a crap, the whole bleed purple loyalty thing. I think it would be a horrible pr move and image to eliminate that. They will be nothing like UPS. Gambling the company on contracts and street hires doesn't make sense.
Nope we are becoming one but the independent contractors are getting all the work. Most stations are turning at least 80% to ground.


Well-Known Member
Final mile drivers will all be contracted employees, semi drivers and sort will stay employees, all the duplicate sorters and csa s will be gone.


Well-Known Member
So when the dust settles with all this, contractors of contractors will be the boots on the ground for all of FedX?
For the most part yes it’s starting at smaller locations hourly employees will still be delivering some signatures, dg, and medical. Just many of the couriers don’t believe it until they come to their station and tell them directly. People bleed purple and refuse to believe what’s happening. Truck drivers and handlers seem to be safe everyone else is in danger of being let go.


Well-Known Member
For the most part yes it’s starting at smaller locations hourly employees will still be delivering some signatures, dg, and medical. Just many of the couriers don’t believe it until they come to their station and tell them directly. People bleed purple and refuse to believe what’s happening. Truck drivers and handlers seem to be safe everyone else is in danger of being let go.
So you actually think they’re gonna let go hundreds of thousands of express drivers and replace them with off the street drivers with no training? Well good luck. Whatever you’re smoking it’s some good :censored2:. Company employees will still be company employees, there’s more than enough work for everyone, no need to get your panties all up in a bunch brother


Well-Known Member
So you actually think they’re gonna let go hundreds of thousands of express drivers and replace them with off the street drivers with no training? Well good luck. Whatever you’re smoking it’s some good :censored2:. Company employees will still be company employees, there’s more than enough work for everyone, no need to get your panties all up in a bunch brother
It is literally happening you think I’m just making up that I’m losing my job? You can look at the fedex employees fb page and see other people from all across the country saying the same thing. Guess we all got together just for this hoax.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
For the most part yes it’s starting at smaller locations hourly employees will still be delivering some signatures, dg, and medical. Just many of the couriers don’t believe it until they come to their station and tell them directly. People bleed purple and refuse to believe what’s happening. Truck drivers and handlers seem to be safe everyone else is in danger of being let go.
I'm retired UPS
I don't know.
But, from what I did know, and what I've been reading, and the Fedx drivers and Contractors I do know, me thinks this isn't going to end well. Major revenue loss is ahead because service will be majorly compromised. Not having drivers to pay will not come close to the business you're going to lose.
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Well-Known Member
I know many who can’t even live off 8 hrs at express. Can you live off less? Do you have a spouse that works? Do you have a family? The only saving grace is Express is so inefficient they will take 4 years to actually implement this plan.
Maybe they can come up with a plan that allows employees to live on station property free of charge. Family can also live with the employee. Instead of an actual paycheck, he'll be giving free food and basic medical care. If he or is family decides they'd like to go somewhere, they only need to ask the manager for a permission slip in case someone stops them. I think this could work..


Well-Known Member
For the most part yes it’s starting at smaller locations hourly employees will still be delivering some signatures, dg, and medical. Just many of the couriers don’t believe it until they come to their station and tell them directly. People bleed purple and refuse to believe what’s happening. Truck drivers and handlers seem to be safe everyone else is in danger of being let go.
Spot on. They're jobs as Express payroll employees will be eliminated. Many will be given the option of going to work for a contractor on contractor payroll doing the same job they had with Express for a lot less money and little to zero benefits. Now here's the kicker. If the person decides against taking the Ground job and elects to take the layoff and draw unemployment compensation the question is will the claim be contested or allowed to go through?

People are going to be in for the shock of their lives if they are not braced and prepared for the very big change in store for them.


Well-Known Member
Spot on. They're jobs as Express payroll employees will be eliminated. Many will be given the option of going to work for a contractor on contractor payroll doing the same job they had with Express for a lot less money and little to zero benefits. Now here's the kicker. If the person decides against taking the Ground job and elects to take the layoff and draw unemployment compensation the question is will the claim be contested or allowed to go through?

People are going to be in for the shock of their lives if they are not braced and prepared for the very big change in store for them.
No one here is receiving that option the ground routes here are staffed already. I’m not worried about unemployment will have another job before the end of May hopefully before the first of May.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No one here is receiving that option the ground routes here are staffed already. I’m not worried about unemployment will have another job before the end of May hopefully before the first of May.
It’s not a real option. Companies can’t offer jobs for other companies. I can’t offer my drivers a job at Walmart, that’s not how jobs work. Express drivers would have to apply like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
It is literally happening you think I’m just making up that I’m losing my job? You can look at the fedex employees fb page and see other people from all across the country saying the same thing. Guess we all got together just for this hoax.
answer the question clearly. Is FedEx gonna be laying off the express drivers and transfer almost all operations to contractors?


Well-Known Member
It’s not a real option. Companies can’t offer jobs for other companies. I can’t offer my drivers a job at Walmart, that’s not how jobs work. Express drivers would have to apply like everyone else.
I understand it’s ground fantasy to see express fail but express drivers ain’t losing their jobs, for vast majority it’s business as usual.