What will happen to the express Drivers....


Well-Known Member
No one here is receiving that option the ground routes here are staffed already. I’m not worried about unemployment will have another job before the end of May hopefully before the first of May.
Contractors will likely have to hire at least some additional people in order to handle the increased volume.

For an Express guy to go to work for a Ground contractor after he's come in and taken your job and undercut your wages let me explain it to you this way.

Now let's assume that you know your history a little bit and you are a veteran Express courier.

Going to work for a Ground contractor would be like joining the Waffen SS....after they've murdered your family.


Well-Known Member
I understand it’s ground fantasy to see express fail but express drivers ain’t losing their jobs, for vast majority it’s business as usual.
No Bud, I hate to tell you this but after this all shakes out only a very small percentage of the current Fedex Express workforce will be retained. If I had to guess at it I would say only 25% or so will still be there when the dust settles.


Well-Known Member
Yes the drivers many of us are being let go at the end of May. The independent contractors at ground are delivering the packages from then on for the most part. Every few days we are getting word of another station being consolidated.

Lates, where are you located.


Well-Known Member
No Bud, I hate to tell you this but after this all shakes out only a very small percentage of the current Fedex Express workforce will be retained. If I had to guess at it I would say only 25% or so will still be there when the dust settles.
So basically the superhub is gone?


Well-Known Member
If they can find a staffing agency to supply enough throw away temporaries to man them at a lower wage they'll be taking over.
Remember, it's a nonunion company. They can do whatever they damn well please.
And Newark is gone? Bacha are you high my brother? These hubs alone employ small cities


Well-Known Member
answer the question clearly. Is FedEx gonna be laying off the express drivers and transfer almost all operations to contractors?
Yes that is what is happening. You can live in denial but doesn’t change the fact our work is going to ground and we are being let go. June 1st I no longer have a job along with many others. If they continue across the country giving 80% of express freight to ground how many express drivers will be needed?


Well-Known Member
Yes that is what is happening. You can live in denial but doesn’t change the fact our work is going to ground and we are being let go. June 1st I no longer have a job along with many others. If they continue across the country giving 80% of express freight to ground how many express drivers will be needed?
Where are you located?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yes that is what is happening. You can live in denial but doesn’t change the fact our work is going to ground and we are being let go. June 1st I no longer have a job along with many others. If they continue across the country giving 80% of express freight to ground how many express drivers will be needed?
You’re absolutely right. Restructuring in the face of diminishing volume. UPS will face a similar dilemma.


Well-Known Member
Clarksville tn population around 175000. Our smaller areas we service are cities of 10000 or less we are keeping those areas and losing our biggest city.

Thanks for that. I’m in a much more densely populated region. Who knows what’ll happen here?

For Ground here to take over most deliveries, they’d probably need to about double the current number of drivers. What kind of starting pay do contractors pay? Nothing great, I’d think.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that. I’m in a much more densely populated region. Who knows what’ll happen here?

For Ground here to take over most deliveries, they’d probably need to about double the current number of drivers. What kind of starting pay do contractors pay? Nothing great, I’d think.
Why would they need to double drivers. Most express areas have at least two ground drivers for every express driver I’ve ran routes that had four different ground drivers split it up among them they won’t need double the drivers.


Engorged Member
What's funny is out where im located west coast ramp, a few drivers are worried as am I, but what amazes me is the amount of people that are in denial and actually attacking fellow coworkers for bringing any of this up as being negative, I swear its like fedex is a cult anymore...
FedEx Express has always been a cult. In the Federal Express days, it was the cult of Fred S, who had built a richly undeserved reputation as the CEO who knew how to treat employees with respect and thereby build loyalty and create excellence and dedication. Maybe a bit of the "legend" was true in the very early days of the company, but by the mid-80s, most of it was already gone, stripped out benefit by benefit as profit became so much more important than people.Smith has always been a human shell game, who is a "stellar" CEO under the first shell, a philanderer and cheat under the second, and a master political manipulator under the third. Underlying the whole facade is a weasel of the highest order, who cares only about increasing his profits and power and building stronger legislative alliances in order to maintain them.

Today, the cult lives on, but in a much weaker state. There remains a core group of employees who bleed purple and still think FedEx "cares". But there is a much larger group of the fearful long-term Express workers who know the way the company really works and are deathly afraid to stand-up against it. They sell each other out to curry favor with management, and would never dare to question the almighty P&P lest the system terminate them. They work injured, fake lunches, and generally do everything possible to make the dysfunction work for them personally. Collectively, they will do nothing but complain and live in denial of their own miserable reality.


Extra Large Package
Final mile drivers will all be contracted employees, semi drivers and sort will stay employees, all the duplicate sorters and csa s will be gone.

From what I've read from Express employees on the FB page, places where Express and Ground have merged at a station, Express has laid off (terminated) about 40% of the Express employees. It's not looking too good for the couriers. Not too sure how the RTDs will fare when this is implemented. I hope you're right about the semi drivers. FedEx is no longer the stable, career job that it once was. It will become a second PT job for a lot of folks. Looks like all those years of keeping the union out of FedEx has paid off for the company.