Believe it or not, I'm actually proud of it and enjoy what I do-to a point. I don't like what the dispatch has done to us in the last few years. I don't agree with it, I think it dosen't make any sense, and I think I could do a far better job than the person doing it now. This is what makes me a "Browniehound"!
I'm serious that I think I can do a better job than the current dispacth sup. I don't have to be smarter than him, but I know I am. I can do a better job because I know most of the routes and all of the area. The fact the he is ingnorant to the area I can't blame on him, but should't he learn it? This part of the job I would blame on HIS boss.
I know its a difficult job, but it becomes impossible if you have never done any of the routes!! Why would you make someone a dispacth sup. if he never supervised or driven in any of the towns he is dispatching?
I know I'm not smarter than the divsion manager, but why would he let this person exist in this position?
Now, if I'm told to run x routes I can't tell you the drivers will be overdispatched. I can tell you however, that the right drivers would get the right businesses dispacthed to their route. If I was running the dispacth there would be no missed when routes are cut.
Instead I get 6 business stops amounting to 25+ packages at the end of my EDD. To put icing on the cake, I get NDA Savers for these businesses!
My truck is 100% every morning so I can't even dig them out to give them to someone who can make service on them.
Let's just leave everything else out, yet you can't logically explain the reason for this. Why in God's great green earth would you dispatch NDA Savers in section 8977? How can he do this and still have a job? EDD/PAS's goal was to end sorting and allow the driver to open his door and grab the next stop. How is this goal accomplished when our dispacth sup. has businesses PALed to the 8000 section?
I can't get passed this! How is he allowed to do this? NDA SAVERS PAL'ed to the FRIGGIN 8000 section??? My sup. knows but doesn't change it. Its not like I'm on a strict residential route. I deliver businesses up to 1400 and then take lunch until 1500. I still have a few businesses left after 1500 so making those savers in section 8000 is impossible. Also its not like these savers are close, they are from another route that was cut and its a good 3 mile drive, one-way, to get there

I will reiterate. How is this allowed to happen at UPS? HOW CAN NDA SAVERs be PAL'ed to section 8000 knowing that these are going to businesses. HOW CAN THIS BE PLANNED BY PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING US MONEY?????