Untrue TIEGUY!, here if the Websters Definition and you can pick it apart like you are used to! What do you think? Words can be expressed IN Metaphors OR EXPRESSIONS.....
Noun1.slave - a person who is owned by someone individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
bondsman, bondman - a male slave
bondmaid, bondwoman, bondswoman - a female slave
bond servant - someone bound to labor without wages
puppet, tool, creature - a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else
galley slave - a slave condemned to row in a galley
2.slave - someone who works as hard as a slave hard worker, striver
worker - a person who works at a specific occupation; "he is a good worker"
3.slave - someone entirely dominated by some influence or person; "a slave to fashion"; "a slave to cocaine"; "his mother was his abject slave" individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
Verb1.slave - work very hard, like a slave break one's back, buckle down, knuckle down
do work, work - be employed; "Is your husband working again?"; "My wife never worked"; "Do you want to work after the age of 60?"; "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money"; "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"
(click on HARD WORKER TIE see what it says?) These are the reasons why I chose PAIDSLAVE....
OK! Never heard that one! ROFLMAO!!!!
My question is Brownie Hound are you going to keep that name, now that you know where it came from! WOW!
At least you admitted you didn't know what it meant .... OPPS!
OK - I am sorry.... I am still laughing! It must be the salt air.
you want to use paidslave use paidslave. I made the point that you are free to go home every night and that you make a concious decision to return every morning. Nothing you posted here changes that point.
Fair enough.........I posted why I chose my screen name and you spun it into simantics on me making a decision going home every night. I gave you numerous examples on how this word can and is used not by only the defintion that you solely inherit!
I'm told it was also what they called a person who could hack a satellite tv card.I guessed wrong....looper used to mean a caddy on a golf course.
Mine is really simple.
Guess it >.> <.<
Fair enough.........I posted why I chose my screen name and you spun it into simantics on me making a decision going home every night. I gave you numerous examples on how this word can and is used not by only the defintion that you solely inherit!
I didn't spin it into anything. The god honest truth is you get to go home every night and you have the ability to make a decision to return every morning. That is not a spin that is the god honest truth. I understand you want to think of yourself as some victimized schumck being forced to toil for the man but it does not fit because you can go home and not come back anytime you choose.
I just thought that a browniehound liked Betty Crocker brownies, or liked brownies with a little weed in them! There ain't nothing wrong with your name, just leave it as is.
Thanks Scratch,
I will keep it. I appreciate your support.
Born and raised in Metro Detroit, before driver release if you left a package without getting a signature it was called nobbing, or I nobbed it. supposedly if soeone asked who signed for it, response was the door knob.... I perfected it.
I like browniehound. Makes me think of choc. labs LOLThanks Scratch,
I will keep it. I appreciate your support.
Now thats funny LOLI was an offensive tackle in high school and my coach said when I ran I looked like a dancing bear.
Now that brings back memories. My 1st warning letter was for nobbing a package. Just like your 1st girl- ya never forget your 1st warning letterBorn and raised in Metro Detroit, before driver release if you left a package without getting a signature it was called nobbing, or I nobbed it. supposedly if soeone asked who signed for it, response was the door knob.... I perfected it.