Off the street PDS? Mmmmmmmmkaaayyyyyy.
Based on his post history...I can get behind that.
I get that this place is somewhere safe for UPS employees (mainly drivers, of course) to vent. It's a good idea. But damn, the levels of angst and disdain towards management is legendary.
Oh, no I know. It's not a mystery. The vast majority of management inside UPS from the lowly PTPDS to division...are pricks. And most of the time, for no real reason.Where do you think these levels of disdain and angst come from?
People dislike authority naturally, but believe me when I say this: no one really needs management and I can’t wait until you’re replaced with a new diad/time card robot. You have 4-5 driver sups, you only need 2 part-timers looking at a iPad.. Part time supervisors are a bigger joke.
A couple years ago I was in the office every day for 3 week on TAW. 50% of all 4 of my ORS day was checking facebook and showing each other what was on it. The other 50% was split between taking a call from a driver/supes and bitching about it and deleting junk emails.
Most of the real work falls on the OMS people in my office.[/QUOTE
^People actually stealing money from the company.
The sad thing is if someone who had no experience with UPS read this they would say you were making this stuff up. They would tell you no company could be that heartless.Let's see...When did I realize management was the enemy?
Was it in 2003 in the first week of the shock and awe campaign when we were suddenly in a full scale war with Iraq....One of our drivers was called up to active duty 3 days into the conflict. Heading to the combat zone, shipping out Friday at Midnight. 2 kids and a wife. The pricks made him do his own route rather than spend what could have been his last day on earth with his family. He left UPS in his military fatigues. 4 supervisors sat in the office sipping coffee that day....
Or was it when a driver's wife had an accident, a traumatic brain injury which she would never recover from, functioning as a 7 year old. Driver was granted no time off ( before family leave law passed). He has 3 kids. In addition he was yelled at on a daily basis because his production was slipping. He would come out of the office crying.
Or perhaps when countless supervisors lied and threw drivers under the bus for something they OKed....
Or perhaps when my center manager had a "talk" with a naive, honest, kind but somewhat dumb driver. A 10 year driver. He convinced him to quit by making him feel he was letting all the other guys in the center down because he ran a half hour over each day and made mistakes....Oh and he had a wife and 3 kids relying on him.
Hmmm, maybe if I think a bit more I can come up with a thousand other examples.
Would you like to hear all the ways they screwed us?
People dislike authority naturally, but believe me when I say this: no one really needs management and I can’t wait until you’re replaced with a new diad/time card robot. You have 4-5 driver sups, you only need 2 part-timers looking at a iPad.. Part time supervisors are a bigger joke.
Management is very unprofessional its impossible to get in touch with hr and every place you call or email transfers u to some one who will eventually be hung up on or on hold for 45 plus min. If you do get a person they say itss wrong depart ment. im still owed 4 weeks of pay checks that i have not recieved because they said i was accidentally deleted from their system. Then i was fired for not to go to work for 3 days because i had no meney to pay for gas to get there i walked my neighbor hood for tjose 3 day collecting cans so i could pay some one to take me there just to be fired when i got there even though i was in touch with my sup everyday and he knew what was going home and lived close to me but wouldnt let me ride with him to work . But gave me a good rehire standing now if im so bad i need to be fired why would you give me good rehire standing?? so i waited couple months and like i said i loved the job so i reapplied and was rehired only to be met with more paycheck problems and i have a disability severe anxiety and my boss sent me to another department which i was not able to handle had an embarrassing attack and had to go home early the next day managment was laughing at me with another sup saying heard u couldnt hang had to go home ealy i was so embarrassed i tried to play it off saying those people were bad a#! and need some colkies or something cuz i couldnt pull it of and while laughing amoungst them selves tells me that i gotta go back on that line immediately start haveing an attack heart racing palms sweaty fighting back tears i was like seriously i cant trade anyone in this whole building it has to be me and the main manager was like well thats were we need u and im like for real pleasse dont make me do this and im crying at this point and i cry the wjole way back to that line and im trying to tough it out and an unmarked for hasmat box comes down the line so i go to load it like all other boxes and im sweaty breathing heavy so when i tilt the box back to place on top shelf a chemical spills on my face in my mouth and on my arms and chest. and im on fire it hurt so bad burning so i took my water bottle and poured it on my face to flush it off well i go to front of the line to tell someone cuz im disorented cuz im not in my normal work space i find a manager and we walk to otherside of building to hasmat and the hasmat girl said idk what to do i gotta look it up comeon lets go get box and asks me if i can walk i said and we walk all way back to get box but shes walking to fast and i lose her and bump into my manager wh is clearly mad says and how did this happen get in the office and sit down so i do and i kneep wiping my arms becuz its burning and hes irritated acting like its my fault so my anxiety is off the charts anfter about 10 min the girl pops back in and says get her to the shower quick thats pool shock on her so they put me in showerfully dressed and people can see you so embarrassing then was told to go back to front of building to girls bathroom sooaking wet for about 30 when they brought me clothes. drivers close and i changed but stlp had on wet underclothes wich are noe outlines in a wet outline and soggy boots well drivers dont load trucks so now they sent me back to work on the front line where the majority of traffic is and not only am i still wet now im in driver clothes loading a truck in front of the whole place i was so humiliated. and because i had that chemical in my underclothes i was burned badly by it on my bottonm and inside my mouth and have pemanet discororation scars and no scence of taste since 9/17/19 and i got folleculitus and cellulitus from the burs got bad infectiion and its very painful so i wasnt moving very fast and told them was in a lot of pain and my boss said he was gonna fireme if i didnt get my numbers up and i explained i was so much pain blisters everywhere and he said well go have her set up dr appt for u so i did and she said when i came back tuesday i could go so thats 2 more days in unbareable pain so tues comes and i ask about the dr and he says u seriouly need go dr and i was like ya he said its been over a week i said im very aware how long its been im in severe pain this whole time so i ask her about dr she tells me oh u gotta tale main manager u wanna go i was like for real y didnt u tell me that days ago im hurting. so i tell him hesays get it set up to taker she tells me we will go at 730 go to her office so i do wand about 755 i got my stuff and clocked out thinking we abot to go and she brings another girl in and tells me shes somebody but thats bs cuz i had worked on the line with her about a week before and tells me that the reason i got burned was cause my water bottle i poured on my face is y i got burned i was like really it wasnt the shower u put me in to which she said thats different water huh?? seriously i dont know what that has to do with me going to dr now but ok thanks for telling me. then says she has to ok it with someone else im cying again at this point and another manager says come smoke with me well i dont smoke but agreed to go she asked me whats going on so i tell her and we talk till like 845 i go to find out whats going on and shes gone doors locked and lights are off i couldnt believe it so i left and went to dr only to get a text from my mager saying if u had to go to dr so bad y did u leave at 755 she didnt leave till nine i lost it i was like i got 3 witnesses that will prove i was there till 845 y are treating me like this is it because u got introuble for falsefing my time and i called u out on it. well i texted him few days later to get workmans comp info from him he said what claim? i dont have access to anyof that so now im scared noscence of taste my phone has been turned off my i had to go to a food bank and my electric and water will be off soon cuz i have no money this has made me so depressed and my anxiety is relentless i dont barly leave my house and im having ptsd over this i cant get intouch with anyone who can help me with anything thats my experience with ups
Did he eat your quote button too?the dog ate some of the keys on my key board they only work when they want to
im sorry about that i can redo it on my phone i guess
Holy rusted metal, Batman! That needs some TL;DR!
But I did it, I read that sunova. And...I believe you. That is uh, jeez. :\ Relax, please. I'm with you on the anxiety front. Anxiety is the single worst thing I've experienced.
Shot at? Pfft. Wondering if this stop for a headlight is really worth it? All day. Or when I moved to the jail, master control accidently pops the bottom row of seg cells with just me in there? Hand jobs all day!
But anxiety? No.
What you posted, it's serious. Those are the kind of sups you take in the trailer and beat into a coma. How did the chemical spill though? Was the box truly unmarked? Was it just an open box? Details like that matter and will be what will help you. Seriously, don't let this go. If it happened like you said,needs to happen.
Holy rusted metal, Batman! That needs some TL;DR!
But I did it, I read that sunova. And...I believe you. That is uh, jeez. :\ Relax, please. I'm with you on the anxiety front. Anxiety is the single worst thing I've experienced.
Shot at? Pfft. Wondering if this stop for a headlight is really worth it? All day. Or when I moved to the jail, master control accidently pops the bottom row of seg cells with just me in there? Hand jobs all day!
But anxiety? No.
What you posted, it's serious. Those are the kind of sups you take in the trailer and beat into a coma. How did the chemical spill though? Was the box truly unmarked? Was it just an open box? Details like that matter and will be what will help you. Seriously, don't let this go. If it happened like you said,needs to happen.
yes and my fu button tooDid he eat your quote button too?