When's the last time your center has a hired a RPCD?


nowhere special
what is a RPCD?


Well-Known Member
Slid some 22.4’s up this summer I believe here. Hasn’t been anyone hired directly into RPCD since they hired drivers in as 22.4’s.


Well-Known Member
The hub my building is connected to has been hiring ft drivers slowly (too slowly) all year but just keeping up with retirements and transfers not really growing. We don’t have 22.4s here at this point no plans that we have heard.


Well-Known Member
Sorry , had to say it
Nah you didn’t.

Like 6 months ago for my center. My friend from went from PT to RPCD. They’re might be more tho. Also don’t ask questions here. You’ll only get all the bitter drivers answering, trying to boos their egos. Look up old threads if you need future answers.