Where are they now?


Pineapple King
The guy with a Corvette,airplane and bought his own handcart? Claimed the entire group was against him?............"sigh"
TOS, I believe he left the country when Trump won the last election.
Two complete clowns.


Staff member
Sales guy who always wanted us to do his job and give him leads?
Claimed he had a trophy wife?


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
I would think at least half of on here is retired . Being on browncafe makes me feel somewhat connected . we "retirees" in my area have restarted our breakfast club where we meet once a month. Even have a few guys that were on car sups to join us. They sure talk a lot more "free" when they are not on UPS "s time. You can forgive them for some of the stunts they pulled . BUT NEVER FORGET ! I wonder if old "Tie"is retired if so he can now really speak his mind .
Tie guy (like many of us that were around in the beginning) is probably near blind from his horrendous choice of font colors he posted with. 🤦‍♂️