Where, Oh Where, is my DIAD?


Retired Senior Member
Yup, great thread! If I had a DIAD, I'd participate more.

I've tried to rip that IVIS out of my tractor to pose with things, but they have it bolted in there really good!

The IVIS wasn't bolted into the tractor when we first got them, there was a shoe in dispatch or in the DIAD room that you plugged them into for upload & download of information. After a few years the smart cards were implemented to cut costs I was told.


Darn dog!!!


respect my authority
Safety food, yum. Hey, wait a sec, I ordered that DIAD with pepperoni!

that pizza is making me hungry, but i have put on to much weight since i havnt driven since sept 1st, im going to need new uniforms when i go back hopefully next month, i say this as i eat my drakes cakes the large size