Where, Oh Where, is my DIAD?


Well-Known Member
Steve just had a supe ride along with him, I haven't noticed any pics from that day.:wink2:

He was uncertain whether to post those here or not but said he would post them on his blog sometime this weekend. I have to admit that the last thing that I would think about while I have a sup riding with me is taking pictures but I am not STUG.


I get the feeling that Steve IS being watched-whether he knows it or not

Doesn't matter, I'm the methodman, LOL.

Steve just had a supe ride along with him, I haven't noticed any pics from that day.:wink2:

He was uncertain whether to post those here or not but said he would post them on his blog sometime this weekend. I have to admit that the last thing that I would think about while I have a sup riding with me is taking pictures but I am not STUG.

I will be updating my blog tonight and it will be ready for a good read just before the Daytona 500. Yes, I did take pics during my ride and I believe you'll get a kick out of them.
I have done that before! I know of threatening messages sent to drivers that mysteriously disappear when you ask for a printed copy of them!
I have too, except mine was not a threatening message. IT was one instructing me to do something against the rules. Even had the sups name on it.


Well-Known Member
I have too, except mine was not a threatening message. IT was one instructing me to do something against the rules. Even had the sups name on it.

That's when a camera phone is your friend. We take a shot of the message and send it to the steward. Most of the guys also email the picture to their home email, some actually have a file with printed pictures.

Ya know, it's really sad where employee relations have ended up at UPS.


Well-Known Member
I have too, except mine was not a threatening message. IT was one instructing me to do something against the rules. Even had the sups name on it.
I have on occasion at the end of day would xerox the message, just in case I needed proof of an erroneous request


Tea anyone ?

I was so hungry


respect my authority

over 17,000 views have been made to your post

I wonder what the record views of a post in bc history is, anyone know?

if you have it mayby it is in some form a genuiss world record