At what point does a clump of cells become an it?
Unfortunately before most women even realize they are pregnant ---after the three weeks" a clump of cells " has a HEARTBEAT.
How anyone can argue that you are not ending a life when you stop a heartbeat is beyond me.
When death occurs in people in hospitals --the heartbeat stops -the machine straightlines --and death is declared.
If pro choice knows that they are ending a life --not much I can say . Denying the way they came into world-- a baby in a mothers womb is not a life - I can never accept.
Notice that prochoice Liberals do not want women to see their baby with little hands and feet in their wombs with a heartbeat --because they may re-think the abortion.
Also after three months sonar-assisted Abottions have shown the Baby trying to defend itself against the deadly stab ---but of course the Liberals do not want you to know this.
Protect the polar bears !! Protect the seals !! No war --peace on earth ----but give us taxpayer paid -abortion at anytime before birth --even partial birth abortion --where the baby's head has to be crushed before it is vacummed into the trash.
Obama as Chicago State Senator even voted for "bothched abortion" --If a woman is getting an abortion --but the baby comes out of the womb wounded -but alive --let it die ????
There is a place for abortion ---but not at the numbers of a supposed civilized society. Keeping in mind the advances in Birth control including the morning after pill.