Why collective bargaining?


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So when our republicans in the Ky house help shoot down RTW do they betray your standards as a republican? When Brashear vetoes RTW if it even makes it to his desk (which it won't) is he standing in the way of your so called progress?

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Honestly I couldn't care less if KY passes RTW. I just like pointing out the lies behind the trumped up opposition. I don't live in KY & I'm happy to live in a state that is more likely to attract employers & create jobs for those struggling in this shrinking jobs market. Besides RTW or not, Obama is destroying the coal industry there, union & non-union alike.

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Well-Known Member
Here's the problem! If only the money would stop going to the top. The wealthiest americans don't send their sons and daughters to war or do they have them work like dogs like 99% of us have to just to have a small piece of the american dream! When corporate america gets it's morales back and starts passing down some of it's profits to the men and women who actually make the money for them, we will once again become truly a free constitutional republic! Greed is not good, despite what wall street thinks. It destroys countries, and democracies. If corporate america and wall street would share in the profits that most of us hard working blue collar americans earned for them, there would be no need for unions. As of right now, the need to belong to a union is greater then ever. It we can get our piece of the american pie!!!
Smurf, you have no clue, the tea party is very closed minded. Most republicans "like myself" want nothing to do with them...

Nobody "sends there kids to war". We have a volunteer military that decides for themselves if they want to serve. God bless them.

And since you mention greed, did you hear about the CEOs in Chicago that were stealing money from their employees & embezzling it. Stealing from people that break their backs every day to earn a living for their families? Oh no wait, that was the board of Teamsters local 710. Never mind.

A wise man once said If you want to get the lobbyist's out of Washington & the money out of politics, stop insisting government be in charge of everything.

So I'm curious what it is about the TEA party that you dislike, if you have a substantive disagreement. Care to share?

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Your argument for Rtw has gotten so weak for the last three weeks, u are all over the place. Im am glad I live in ky. Republicans are in check.

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Well-Known Member
Your argument for Rtw has gotten so weak for the last three weeks, u are all over the place. Im am glad I live in ky. Republicans are in check.

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Instead of just saying I'm wrong, tell me how I'm wrong. Is Obama helping coal miners in Kentucky?

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Hussein hates America...

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
No Obama is not helping UMWA. But RTW hurts all members. This thread was started to question a open agenda by the rtw politician s to destroy unions. Idk what Hussein care is, I assume it is like the healthcare that mit Romney created in mass.

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Well-Known Member
No Obama is not helping UMWA. But RTW hurts all members. This thread was started to question a open agenda by the rtw politician s to destroy unions. Idk what Hussein care is, I assume it is like the healthcare that mit Romney created in mass.

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I have yet to see any evidence that RTW is destroying unions. Anywhere. Ever.

RomneyCare only affected the people of Massachusetts & it was what the people in that state wanted. I believe they had the highest insurance rates in the country after that so why anybody would want to duplicate that on a national level is beyond me.
HusseinCare was a lie from the beginning. It was never intended to help anyone except the Democrats entitlement dependent voter base. To give something away for free, you must first take it away from someone that I earned it. That's where we came in. We, the working class, were sold lies to gain our support not knowing the burden would be on us to fund. (Remember when they said the ACA would save the average family $2,500, that you could keep your doctor, that if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your health care plan, that it would not add one dime to our deficit, and that the total price would come in at less than 1 trillion dollars?) Now the same liberals that cheered the law are in the awkward position of defending it as the lies are exposed and the most common defense appears to be pretending that you don't know anything about it.

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I couldn't have said it any better than what this well-known Democrat did.

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53 Things President Obama Should Not Be Celebrating On His Birthday TodayAndrew Clark | August 4th, 2014

1. The failed launch of HealthCare.gov.

2. The fact that HealthCare.gov has cost almost $1 billion.

3. Your “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It” Lie of the Year.

4. Health care premiums are still going up for American families.

5. The way you jammed ObamaCare through Congress and forced it on the American people.

6. Your complete lack of interest in getting to the bottom of the IRS Scandal.

7. Eric Holder’s complete lack of interest in investigating the IRS Scandal.

8. That time you flew to Las Vegas to campaign just hours after the terrorist attack on our U.S. embassy in Benghazi.

9. Blaming the Benghazi attack on a video while initially refusing to call it an act of terror.

10. The wasteful, trillion dollar, failed stimulus bill that you jammed through Congress.

11. The unemployment rate, which your stimulus plan failed to lower like you promised taxpayers it would.

12. Your 2009 trillion dollar deficit.

13. Your 2010 trillion dollar deficit.

14. Your 2011 trillion dollar deficit.

15. Your 2012 trillion dollar deficit.

16. Your $3.9 trillion budget proposal that even Democrats in your own party rejected (and you failed to submit on time.)

17. Our $17 trillion debt.

18. That time you cut Medicare by $700 billion to pay for ObamaCare.

19. The CIA’s breaching of authority when they hacked into computers in the Senate.

20. Your decision to release five dangerous Taliban operatives in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl.

21. Your labeling of the scandals in your White House as “phony.”

22. The missing IRS emails (seriously, where are they?)

23. The lack of accountability at your EPA.

24. The new anti-coal regulations that your White House is pushing to bankrupt the coal industry.

25. The job-killing cap-and-trade bill that you tried to pass.

26. Your refusal to approve the Keystone Pipeline.

27. The time you told small business owners on the campaign trail that “You didn’t build that.”

28. The hundreds of Democrat fundraisers you have held instead of leading the country.

29. That time you didn’t have time to meet with world leaders at the UN, but somehow found time to make an appearance on The View.

30. Your dozens and dozens of golfing trips you’ve taken instead of leading the country.

31. The Solyndra Scandal.

32. Your failure to lead on student loan reform.

33. The complete lack of accountability at the GAO.

34. The big government Dodd-Frank bill.

35. Your weak response to the Malaysian Airlines plane crash in Ukraine.

36. The complete lack of accountability at the Veterans’ Affairs.

37. The suffering that our veterans have gone through thanks to the VA.

38. Your complete lack of interest in the Fast and Furious scandal.

39. The AP wiretapping scandal.

40. Your disregard for the constitutional separation of powers.

41. Your refusal to work with Congress to pass commonsense jobs bills.

42. Your decision to score political points on equal pay while ignoring the gender pay gap in your own White House.

43. The time he gave the Queen of England an iPod as a gift.

44. The hundreds of billions of tax increases passed you signed into law.

45. Your refusal to respect religious freedom in ObamaCare.

46. Your decision to drink a beer in Colorado for a photo-op instead of visiting the border to address the immigration crisis.

47. Your declaration in 2012 that “the private sector is doing fine.”

48. Your infamous “reset” with Russia.

49. Your complete unwillingness to preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security.

50. Your dedication to reinstalling Nancy Pelosi as speaker.

51. Dismissing the number of jobs the Keystone pipeline would create.

52. Your collapsing approval ratings.

53. Your failed presidency that you’re already checked-out from.

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
The difference between you and I smurf is I don't get my talking points from radio talk show entertainment, right or left. Glenn Beck and Rachel Maddow are in the same boat to me. Armchair quarterbacks don't influence my vote. Im a union Upser, blessed and grateful. Rtw atracks lower paying jobs. If you are for rtw you lose my vote period. I don't care if u are a wig, democrat,tea bagger, conservative liberal. Your blind loyalty will only hurt your wallet

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Well-Known Member
The difference between you and I smurf is I don't get my talking points from radio talk show entertainment, right or left. Glenn Beck and Rachel Maddow are in the same boat to me. Armchair quarterbacks don't influence my vote. Im a union Upser, blessed and grateful. Rtw atracks lower paying jobs. If you are for rtw you lose my vote period. I don't care if u are a wig, democrat,tea bagger, conservative liberal. Your blind loyalty will only hurt your wallet

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You've demonstrated the very definition of "blind loyalty" with your inability to formulate a single argument about how or why RTW is bad for states but continually defaulting to the lefts defense. Simply saying its bad over & over again isn't very convincing.

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Its an entitlement program of the worse kind. You receive benefits you aren't paying for, with no regard to the people who died for our rights on picket lines. I am loyal to the labor movement, it has brought my family into the middle class.

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
ALL attacks on that, I will call out. Rtw is a divide and conquer tactic. It underminds negotiations. Since freeloaders aren't allowed to vote, how can they change their leadership the complain about. Like I said im not willing to sink the ship cause I dont like the way it is sailing. I don't complain and give up, like rtw encourages. I fight and get involved and try to change the system within

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Well-Known Member
ALL attacks on that, I will call out. Rtw is a divide and conquer tactic. It underminds negotiations. Since freeloaders aren't allowed to vote, how can they change their leadership the complain about. Like I said im not willing to sink the ship cause I dont like the way it is sailing. I don't complain and give up, like rtw encourages. I fight and get involved and try to change the system within

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If you really take issue with those who go after your wallet then why do you make exceptions & turn a blind eye for the the ones that are actively taking from you that have a D by their name?

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Well-Known Member
Are you thinking about your responses, and not reading previous posts? Smurf you can't win

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Yes. & I was responding to your claim that you stand up against anyone going after your wallet & I asked you a simple question. Why do you make exceptions for the liberals that have succeeded at doing just that, & are pressing for more?

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Well-Known Member
You said you are from KY. Your neighbor to the north is a RTW state. Indianas union are not being destroyed or even weakened because of RTW but workers in both states are being brutalized by this president & his anti-coal agenda, his mandated health insurance increases that multiply costs for working familys & more. Why is that okay with you?

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