Why collective bargaining?


Well-Known Member
You remind me of a fire truck, sirens blaring, arriving at the scene of a tragic fire where people are trapped inside & the cheif orders his men to focus their efforts on the kitten stuck in the tree. While our people are under attack from all directions by legislation that severely diminishes our standard of living you want to focus on the most inconsequential, non-issue piece of state legislation and nothing else. Democrats and union leaders are using you and others like you as tools, diverting your attention and misdirecting so that they can continue to pillage and plunder your earnings. Maybe you have already realized it, but are just to ashamed and loyal to admit it...

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Its ok little smurf, ill keep fighting for ya, you keep soaking up those benefits. Just stick your fingers in your ears every time your talkshow hosts say Nrtw or unions are no longer needed. We got this for ya

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Wait did you say im being used? Thats laughable, since you have spent the last month basically parroting right wing talk show hosts. I think we know who is being used. You are a funny little smurf. When Rush has hand up your butt making you talk, does he lube up

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Well-Known Member
Its ok little smurf, ill keep fighting for ya, you keep soaking up those benefits. Just stick your fingers in your ears every time your talkshow hosts say Nrtw or unions are no longer needed. We got this for ya

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Who said that "Nrtw or unions are no longer needed"?

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Alright - Rush Limbaugh" union dues are nothing more than a money laundering operation" any more you want, or you want to look for yourself

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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Alright - Rush Limbaugh" union dues are nothing more than a money laundering operation" any more you want, or you want to look for yourself

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Saying that unions are necessary isn't the same thing as saying that unions are doing a good job. In the same way, rush was just stating the obvious, that unions have unfortunately become money bundlers for the Democrat Party . He didn't say that unions were no longer needed, just pointing out that their usefulness is being diminished by supporting politicians over its members, so strike 1.

Bo Watson" VW inviting UAW to organize is unAmerican" I can go for days

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No you can't, you're already floundering. Bo Watson isn't a radio host but let's pretend he is. What he was referring to as "unAmerican" was the fact that VW was moving against the will of its employees in that plant who had already voted down the UAW. Bo didn't say the Union wasn't needed, the employees of that plant did. Strike 2.

Check out " The definitive list of 50 stupid Republicans quotes "

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Okay I read your list and I have to admit it was pretty funny. There's some pretty good one-liners in there. The best part was that the list titled "The definitive list of 50 stupid Republican quotes" has 60 numbered quotes in total. I've always known liberals were mathematically challenged. Lol. I was disappointed however that not one of them said anything about unions no longer being needed. All I asked for was 1 example and you failed 3 times. That's a lot of fail or just starting your day.

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Well-Known Member
You remind me of a fire truck, sirens blaring, arriving at the scene of a tragic fire where people are trapped inside & the cheif orders his men to focus their efforts on the kitten stuck in the tree. While our people are under attack from all directions by legislation that severely diminishes our standard of living you want to focus on the most inconsequential, non-issue piece of state legislation and nothing else. Democrats and union leaders are using you and others like you as tools, diverting your attention and misdirecting so that they can continue to pillage and plunder your earnings. Maybe you have already realized it, but are just to ashamed and loyal to admit it...

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So the Teamsters are pillaging and plundering my earnings? Really? Thats interesting because I have received a raise every year I have worked for UPS as a Teamster. Many Teamsters make 100k annually at UPS now.

Obama has not raised my middle-class tax bill? Actually after all my deductions I am pleased with my effective tax rate.
Its not at around 13% like Mitt romneys or Warren Buffets but I can live with it.

Union dues per year=1 take home paycheck. Thats a nice economic return for union representation? You think?


Well-Known Member
Affirmed: union bashing talk show hosts Hannity, Limbaugh, and O'Reilly are AFl-CIO affiliated members, lmfao, research it smurf

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OK.. &? So? Did you just figure that out?

You remind me of my last rooster. He'd come running up every morning with his chest out, feathers ruffled, raring for a fight only to be meet with a swift leather boot to the back of the head leaving him dazzled & confused. But only for a short time. Next day, here he'd come running, thinking this would be the day he'd get his victory. Eventually I just felt sorry for him.


Well-Known Member
You are correct Upstate. Its well below 13% with all my deductions and maxing out my 401k really brought down my adjustable gross.

So no Obama has not raised my tax bill.
Wrong thread but I'll play along. Obamas smarter than you give him credit for. He went after the benefits portion of your earnings, the part that doesn't show up on a pay stub. The ACA uses the health insurance companies to increase the price of coverage for working people, the difference comes out of your pocket after taxes. Obama gets credit for caring, employers get the blame & the working class get fooled again.

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