Why is UPS implementing a 8 hour dispatch now? So that we will be begging for hours during peak when they need them. They are employing psychology. Get a clue.
Which one is it? Do drivers at UPS want (need) the OT or not?
At my hub I would say 25% NEED the OT and this new dispatch has them like a deer in the headlights. They are now making $600/wk less than they were just a month ago. That's a $30k swing in income over 12 months. Drivers as little as 5 minutes over are being sent to the office and being talked to and set up for progressive discipline.
Two points:
1. People need to budget based on 40-hrs a week. They are living beyond their means and have gotten so that 50+ hrs a week of pay is expected.
2. UPS did pull the rug out from all of us. No warning for both the good and bad - I could have helped coach my kids basketball team. At the same time, imagine if your boss just one day came up and said I am cutting your pay by $30k / yr. I am sure you would have liked some notice so you can make adjustments.