Why we honk our horns, use budcows, and avoid backing


nowhere special
This sounds like a buncha malarkey.
Sounds kind of familiar



Well-Known Member
Totally unrelated: I was backing into a loading zone near a college campus, tapping my horn when this college chick turned around with a pissed off look and flipped me off. I was confused at first but then I realized this girl thinks I’m honking at her.


Amatuer Malthusian
Totally unrelated: I was backing into a loading zone near a college campus, tapping my horn when this college chick turned around with a pissed off look and flipped me off. I was confused at first but then I realized this girl thinks I’m honking at her.


Raw Member

Back first and to driver's side.
Use mirrors/camera.
Driver's side backing preferred.
Continuously tap horn.
Only back when necessary.
When in doubt, get out and look.

I totally did not just google it.
Getting out to look will be a back first exemption!