ms pacman.
That would really suck.
They dont take my Diad as they know I am bigger than most of them.....
The naked guys I have gotten used to, some very yukky, others,,,,,not too bad, and well appreciated.
the guys at red lights, just another break in my day and gives me a laugh. Usually they are cool, and give me a great big smile. And that is so important. A smile and a "you go girl" takes away my stress.
Ive been on one route so long I am just part of the scenery and appreciate the respect I have earned. Actually they are just part of my family of friends.
I havent had a negative customer in awhile as far as my gender. I am just one of the guys.
I do usually shave my legs, and there are those that appreciate my feminity. My former driver friend who is now in an office of our local union, once told me never to forget that part, the feminine side, and it still works for me. As I get older, it may not, but presently I still get mistaken for my childrens sister or wife, so I will use that power long as I can!!
The rest is just part of the job, if someone doesnt respect you, smile** them. They dont have your job coz they cant! We all had to get a break to get here, (male or female) and that is nothing to be sorry for.
My Dad used to complain about me working this type of job. His driver that delivered his medicine told him how hard I must have it to be a woman in this job. This driver knew my Dad well, though I dont know his name I would like to thank him. He took the time to yak with some old man, and I am sure he wasnt on track because of it. When I told him how much I made, he was shocked. He didnt make in a month, sometimes what I make in a week. And he bragged to everyone how well I had done in my job. So for that I am grateful. My Dad was proud of me, because a fellow driver I didnt know told him he should be.